I'm Gonna Love You Through It
H/T to Brutally Honest!
For my birthed Sister and all our Sisters that have been through it.
xtnyoda, shalomed
Labels: inspirational
Labels: inspirational
Labels: inspirational, military, yoda thoughts
"... The name of the city from that day on will be: Yahweh Is There."
Ezekiel 48:35 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
Labels: God's name, Yahweh
“Technology is so far ahead of human relations! As for the latter, we are still in the Stone Age. Why do we human beings learn so much, so soon, about technology, and so little, so late, about loving one another?”The wisdom of the above quotation is as pertinent today as it was decades ago. From centuries ago, the wisdom of the following quotation comes from the writer of Ecclesiastes 4:10,
(Henri Nouwen in New Oxford Review June 1987)
“For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.”"God, let our walk with You strengthen our relationships with others.
Labels: Pastor Bill
"The best advice i have received is to that there there is no right or wrong way. No time limits, and to grieve out loud."Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Lisa, and all who have lost a child. I pray that their grief can be freely shared ... without restriction ... and without guilt for their deep expressions of loss.
Labels: grief statements
“Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.”In Philippians 3:13-14, the apostle Paul gives us these words as an encouragement to move forward in our relationship with God:
(Will Rogers)
“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”"God, let us release yesterday and its shortcomings so that we can live in the present and seek a closer walk with You each day.
Labels: Pastor Bill
"The best advice came from my nieces/nephew to get a face book page so I could read all of the wonderful things people were writing about my Daughter Samantha on facebook and by doing that a wonderful woman named Pam asked to be my friend, she had lost her son also and thru her I found Compassionate Friends. Thank you Pam Thank you TCF (The Compassionate Friends) God Bless."Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Valerie, and all who have lost a child. I pray that the ministry of Compassionate Friends will expand and reach many others in Your Name .... until the day there is no longer the need.
Labels: grief statements
“God will answer all our questions in one way and one way only—namely, by showing us more of his Son.”In receiving the correct answer, the apostle John the Baptist gives this advice in John 3:30,
(Watchman Nee)
“He must increase, but I must decrease.”"God, let us be still and see You more fully.
Labels: Pastor Bill
“We shouldn’t use God to solve our problems. We should see our problems as an opportunity to find God.”God is not our bank or super store, but He desires to be our close companion, not only in the good times but also through our trials. The writer of Deuteronomy 4:29 encourages us to spend time God with these words:
(Larry Crabb)
“But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.”"God, let us remember You are with us in every situation whether it be a trial or a triumph.
Labels: Pastor Bill
"... The name of the city from that day on will be: Yahweh Is There."
Ezekiel 48:35 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
Labels: God's name, Yahweh
"Feel your feelings.....and let them out."Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Karen, and all who have lost a child. I pray that the love they have the freedom to be real ... with themselves ... and with others.
Labels: grief statements
“The other morning my son announced, “Mom, I really think I’m going to be just like Dad when I grow up.” “Why is that?” I asked. “Well, because I think my eyebrows will grow into one like his. And, whenever somebody speaks to me, I'll never hear them.”It is interesting to see what our heirs choose to emulate, whether what we are trying to convey, or what they perceive we are trying to portray. The writer of 2 Chronicles 26:4 said,
(Ginny Dow)
“And he did that which was right in the sight of the LORD, according to all that his father Amaziah did.”"God, let my message to others be pure and point them to You.
Labels: Pastor Bill
"My fellow Parish Nurse friend said my son, Mike, took my love for him with him to heaven and that time passes but love remains the same."Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Pat, and all who have lost a child. I pray that the love they know for their child ... though it causes their grief at their loss ... that that same love ... will be known also as a comfort ... cherished and embraced.
Labels: grief statements
“Remember, the truest end of life is to know the life that never ends.”Jesus reminded us in John 3:16,
(William Penn)
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only be gotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.”To choose to believe in Jesus is to have life in heaven. Not to choose to believe in Jesus is to reject Him and spend eternity in hell where, as Jesus tells us in Mark 9:44,
“The worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.”"God, thank You that we can have eternal life with You through Your Son Jesus.
Labels: Pastor Bill
Thanks for the kind words, but most of us ( Steve included) know where this is going overall the next 20-30 years. N America has been the warm heart of a cooling planet. For the record, I expect a weak to perhaps moderate el nino to evolve this summer into winter, and while that will push global temps up a bit, double la ninas followed by el ninos with a cold PDO means the break we had this year in N America is not likely to repeat next year. Europe is likely to have another severe stretch, which would make it 4 winters in a row year to deal with a cold extreme. While I officially have forecasted global temps , as measured by objective satellites, to return to the temps of the late 70s by 2030, I must confess that some of the more extreme forecasts due to solar cycle theory certainly have reason to have a seat at the table.The global warming house of cards is falling. The unfortunate thing, as Joe points out, is that millions, alas billions of humans will suffer due to the charade of "global warming" by governments and "global warming scientists."
The real shame is that we are now handcuffed by out of control warmingistas that have choked the lifeblood of our nations economy and find ourselves in a real bind as far as energy because of a ghost that never existed, and a reality that has a good chance of proving the opposite. Its amazing how many problems would be solved if we were just drilling without the paranoia about global warming. A more prosperous economy, less unemployment, more national security, and right on down the line. Years from now, people will marvel at how all this actually went on, perhaps with the same morbid fascination we look at what happened at Europe in the 30s. Tell a big enough lie loud enough , and people believe it.
.... One more thing, sorry I forgot.. A Hansen Super Nino watch is in effect. Once he realizes that the Nino is coming on (I posted last year when he was screaming about one for this past winter to wait till the following winter.. the one coming up in 12-13, though it would be weak) he will yell from the roof tops about a super nino, oblivious to the fact that we have a cold PDO and ninos are shorter lived and weaker.
I guess the 1 million or so he gets on the side of his government job by doing all this consoles him, but the watch is in effect anyway
Labels: culture of corruption, global warming
“The way we respond to criticism pretty much depends on the way we respond to praise. If praise humbles us, then criticism will build us up. But if praise inflates us, then criticism will crush us; and both responses lead to our defeat.”Let us join the apostle Paul in Galatians 6:14 as he prays,
(Warren Wiersbe)
“But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.”"God, thanks for this reminder to divert all praise to You.
Labels: Pastor Bill
"My mum said to me at the time, there only two ways to go up or down. I've chosen up, because i know my daughter never would of wanted me to give up, and it's all about her. how ever difficult the road is.."Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Karen, and all who have lost a child. I pray that the thoughts of "giving up" will be but brief thoughts ... and that they will each one find strength to carry on.
Labels: grief statements
“In almost everything that touches our everyday life on earth, God is pleased when we're pleased. He wills that we be as free as birds to soar and sing our maker's praise without anxiety.”Don’t you just love the days when the sun is shining? Aren't those the days you are feeling well and just want to praise God without restraint? The writer of Psalms 9:1-2 expresses it well with these words:
(A.W. Tozier)
“I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvelous works. I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High.”"God, teach us to lose ourselves in worship and praise to You.
Labels: Pastor Bill
"That my desire to still parent her goes beyond the grave and to spend time with her each day. For the record the advice I give is to at some point find the laughter with the tears..we laugh still so much about Brittany 5 years later, it save me somedays :) !"Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Vonda, and all who have lost a child. I pray that the joy that each child brought would often sooth the loss ... great as it is.
Labels: grief statements
Peter Gleick Admits to Deception in Obtaining Heartland Climate Files
Peter H. Gleick, a water and climate analyst who has been studying aspects of global warming for more than two decades, in recent years became an aggressive critic of organizations and individuals casting doubt on the seriousness of greenhouse-driven climate change. He used blogs, congressional testimony, group letters and other means to make his case.
Now, Gleick has admitted to an act that leaves his reputation in ruins and threatens to undercut the cause he spent so much time pursuing. His summary, just published on his blog at Huffington Post, speaks for itself.....
Labels: culture of corruption, global warming
“I learned a remarkable fact about the cocklebur: its sticky seed pod contains several seeds, not just one. And these seeds germinate in different years. Thus, if seed A fails to sprout next year because of a drought, seed B will be there waiting for year after next, and seed C the year after that, waiting until the right conditions for germination arrive.”God has created everything and made each with special attributes. The writer of Hebrews 10:36 says,
(Graham R. Hodges)
“For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.”What we plant today will come up in due season.
Labels: Pastor Bill
"I remember being advised by the CF to be prepared for all of your relationships to change. Some people will be there and a lot will go away .. it helped to gear up for that. It`s difficult to deal with, but, at least I had early warning so it was not unexpected."Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Elaine, and all who have lost a child. I pray that the changes in support and friendships will be understood, and the new friendships cherished ... with a touch of compassion for those that do not understand.
Labels: grief statements
“Second only to suffering, waiting may be the greatest teacher and trainer in godliness, maturity, and genuine spirituality most of us ever encounter.”In this instant of the micro-wave society in which we live, waiting is one of the hardest things we have to do. We have become so spoiled in having what we want when we want it that not to get what we want instantaneously is perceived as unacceptable. The writer of Psalms 40:1 tells us:
(Richard Hendrix)
“I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.”His words give us the encouragement to be willing to wait for the benefit of being with Him.
Labels: Pastor Bill
“When men stop worshipping God, they promptly start worshipping man, with disastrous results.”Hmmm....It seems as though we may have arrived at that point in history. The writer of Deuteronomy 11:16 says,
(George Orwell)
“Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them.”"God, forgive us when our thoughts and hearts in turn are removed from You.
Labels: Pastor Bill
“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.”Some sit on the sidelines and wonder what if. Others jump up and down begging, “Put me in coach!” The writer of Ecclesiastes 9:10 says,
(Edmund Burke)
“Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.”"God, Let us make the most of the abilities You gifted us with.
Labels: Pastor Bill
"There is no right or wrong way to grieve, just your way."Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Vickie, and all who have lost a child. I pray that they will grow to acknowledge and embrace their own unique and personal way to grieve ... without guilt.
Labels: grief statements
“Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.”"God, Forgive us when we fail to ask our creator and try to fix ourselves."
Labels: Pastor Bill
"You will see her again."Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Tina, and all who have lost a child. I pray that the hope for a future will carry them through each current day.
Labels: grief statements
“A sure way to lose happiness, I found, is to want it at the expense of everything else.”Not only did the apostle Paul know what it was like to be blessed, but also he knew to what it was like to be challenged. Here is what he said in Philippians 4:11,
(Bette Davis)
“I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”"God, Help us to seek You that our happiness might last.
Labels: Pastor Bill
Villages buried under 4-5 meters of snow . … and MSN writes of “Wacky & Wonderful Weather Phenomena.” 140,000 trapped by snow – Death toll rises past 550, people tunneling through 15 feet of snow to get out of their homes, hundreds of barns collapse in Italy … and MSN writes of “Wacky & Wonderful Weather Phenomena.” Unbelievable.
Labels: global warming
“People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason the world is in chaos, is because things are being loved, and people are being used.” (Anonymous)The writer of 1 John 2:15 says,
“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”"God, help us to remember to hold things loosely and hold people closely.
Labels: Pastor Bill
"If Justice doesn't come from the court system it will come when that person stands before God."Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Linda, and all who have lost a child. I pray that the reality that one day all will stand before You ... will be a sense of comfort ... especially when a child has been the victim of some human crime. You will hold each accountable.
Labels: grief statements
“Assumptions are the termites of relationships.”It is not enough to assume someone knows you love him or her; we must remind that one often--daily if possible. It is not enough to assume someone knows you appreciate what that one has have done for you. Again, you must be consistent in your appreciation.
(Henry Winkler)
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”"God, thank You for Your love for us.
Labels: Pastor Bill
Labels: global warming
"I will honor the holiness of My great name ... The nations will know that I am Yahweh ... Then you will live in the land that I gave your fathers; you will be My people, and I will be your God."
Ezekiel 36:23-28 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
Labels: God's name, Yahweh
"To take all the time I need. Don't let someone else put time limits on how long you should grieve...before it is considered abnormal."Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Jane, and all who have lost a child. I pray that the time of grieving will take on a whole sacred value to these dear souls ... knowing that their grief is actually a reflection of Your Presence in their hearts.
Labels: grief statements
"I have loved you with an everlasting love." (Jer. 32:3)And in Romans we read,
“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? . . . Nothing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Rom. 8:35-39)I want you to know that God will never change His mind about loving you. He wants to be your Valentine forever. Will you accept His love today?
Labels: Chaplain Paul
"I don't pray for God to take my problems away, I pray only for God to give me the strength to go through them."It is through our challenges that we grow. What we have gone through makes us who we are. Jesus reminds us in Matthews 27:20,
(Jose Lozno)
“Lo I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Amen.”"God, thank You for our challenges and your presence through them.
Labels: Pastor Bill
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”We enjoy the company of optimists. They lift our spirits and challenge us to greater heights. The apostle Paul looked at his challengers and responded with these words in Philippians 4:13,
(Winston Churchill)
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”"God, help us to see and claim the power we have in You.
Labels: Pastor Bill
".... The nations will know that I am Yahweh"-the declaration of the Lord God -"when I demonstrate My holiness through you in their sight .... I will place My Spirit within you and cause you to follow My statutes and carefully observe My ordinances."
Ezekiel 36:23-27 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
Labels: God's name, Yahweh
Snow drifts reaching up to rooftops kept tens of thousands of villagers prisoners in their own homes Saturday as the death toll from Europe's big freeze rose past 550.And the global warming alarmists continue to push for their grant money from our pockets ... while many thousand more prepare to die from the cold and the next tragedy of lack of food from failed crops because of the cold.
More heavy snow fell on the Balkans and in Italy, while the Danube river, already closed to shipping for hundreds of kilometres (miles) because of thick ice, froze over in Bulgaria for the first time in 27 years.
Montenegro's capital of Podgorica was brought to a standstill by snow 50 centimetres (20 inches) deep, a 50-year record, closing the city's airport and halting rail services to Serbia because of an avalanche.
Eight more people were reported to have died in Romania, taking the toll for the country to 65, three in Serbia, one in the Czech Republic and one in Austria.
Polish fire brigade spokesman Pawel Fratcak said Saturday that defective heating had triggered a spate of deadly blazes in houses and apartments, with eight people killed on Friday night and three the night before.
New Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu and his defence and interior ministers, who were sworn in only on Thursday, flew by helicopter to the eastern Buzau region, one of the worst hit, on Saturday.
He called on the authorities to work hard to beat the challenges facing them, as food threatened to run out in some villages in spite of air drops.
At Carligul Mic firemen and volunteers helped people dig tunnels and trenches in the snow reaching to the house roofs in some places.
"I've never seen as much snow in my whole life," resident Aneta Dumitrache, 78, told an AFP photographer.
Authorities said an estimated 30,000 people were still cut off in Romania, and more than 110,000 in the Balkan countries, including 60,000 in Montenegro, nearly 10 percent of the population......
Labels: global warming
"Be gentle with yourself and those around you."Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Alisa, and all who have lost a child. I pray that the gentleness of Your Presence will fill each heart ... and Your Grace will wrap them in Your arms of understanding.
Labels: grief statements
“Worship does not satisfy our hunger for God; it whets our appetite.”When we draw nearer to God, He draws nearer to us, for as we spend time with Him, we want to spend more time with Him. The writer of Psalms 73:25-26 says,
(Eugene H. Peterson)
“Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever.”"God, let us fall in love with You all over…every day.
Labels: Pastor Bill
Labels: global warming
"To take one breath at a time and make no rash decisions."Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Bobbie, and all who have lost a child. I pray that the decisions that are faced each day will be made with the right sense of time and levity, and never out of frustration or pain. Your help is needed for this, without You, they would fail.
Labels: grief statements
“God had nothing to do with it!” the scientist insisted. Birds are able to navigate when they migrate because they have a compass inside their head. That’s all. But then somebody asks these scientists writing in the current issue of the journal Nature who sets the compass to adjust for the earth’s rotation. “Well, that,” the scientist said, “that remains a mystery.”Genesis 1:1 starts out, “In the beginning, God….” When we get that "beginning" wrong, our whole perspective is wrong. The apostle Paul in Colossians 1:16-17 says,
(Associated Press, 8-5-93)
“For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: 17And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.”"God, thank You for the mysteries that confuse the wise.
Labels: Pastor Bill
LOS ANGELES – The Lorax, perhaps the most famous anti-industrial crusader from children's literature, is about to become a big-time corporate spokesman.USA Today article
With a host of commercial tie-ins — albeit for eco-friendly products —Universal Pictures will begin promoting "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax" this month. The animated movie, set for release March 2 in North America, is about a creature who "speaks for the trees" and fights rampant industrialism in a retelling of the Dr. Seuss children's book first published in 1971.
The studio's nearly 70 launch partners — including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Whole Foods Market (WFM)— are seeking to latch onto the Lorax's nature-friendly message. ......
Labels: child abuse, environmentalism, global warming
“Heaven's delight will far outweigh earth's difficulties."There is much truth in the comment above. Several times in the past several years, that statement has been widely quoted by many. Centuries ago, the apostle Paul said it this way in Romans 8:18,
“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”"God, thank You for being with us here on earth as we go through each trial.
Labels: Pastor Bill
One day - I just felt I couldn't do the day - - it was so painful - - a dear friend who also had lost a son years earlier told me - - an inch at a time - - just get thru an inch - - amazing - - because forever is such long time, there are days I just need to get thru an inch - - almost 16 years later, I'm still here & I still take his advice.Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Kay, and all who have lost a child. I pray that the strength to simply put one foot in front of another will be theirs .... with Your grace and strength.
Labels: grief statements
“There’s one thing we need above everything else: It’s something we don’t talk about these days. We need a mighty avalanche of conviction of sin.”We live in a "do it my way" world where almost anything goes and we rationalize anything that might be close. The wise writer of Proverbs 14:12 puts it this way:
(Leonard Ravenhill)
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”"God, forgive us of our sins and help us to return to being a nation that seeks and follows You.
Labels: Pastor Bill