Wednesday, August 21, 2019

  Today's cherished nugget from guest blogger, Pastor Bill. 
A lady had a little gold cross, on the upright part of which the words, “God’s will,” were engraved. On the crossbar were the words, “My will.” At the touch of a spring, the cross disappeared and left only a straight beam bearing the words, “God’s will.”
In like manner, when our will is lost in God’s and we are indeed dead unto sin, it is no longer a cross to follow Christ. We shall no longer complain that we do not get our own selfish way because we shall not have any. On the other hand, when our will is contrary to God’s will, then we have a cross to bear.
Let us remember the beauty of Jesus’ prayer in the garden in Matthew 26:42: “Thy will be done.” The real beauty is we are the beneficiaries of Jesus’ obedience.
God, let me find rest by following Thy will.  Amen.
Bro. Bill 
In GOD we Trust!



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