Saturday, March 31, 2012

Global Warming Skepticism must be "treated"

Now the word is getting out that Global Warming Skeptics need to be ... treated. I'm assuming that means with either medication or incarceration?
Skepticism regarding the need for immediate and massive action against carbon emissions is a sickness of societies and individuals which needs to be "treated", according to an Oregon-based professor of "sociology and environmental studies". Professor Kari Norgaard compares the struggle against climate skepticism to that against racism and slavery in the US South.
Resistance at individual and societal levels must be recognized and treated ...

"This kind of cultural resistance to very significant social threat is something that we would expect in any society facing a massive threat," [Norgaard] said.

The discussion, she said, is comparable to what happened with challenges to racism or slavery in the U.S. South.

Also comparing skeptics to pre-civil war racists.

Now really lady ... this is rather low of you now don't you think. This is what we call a cheap shot ... and this one is as cheap as it gets.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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It follows you!

Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Leslie speaks today about ... learning not to run ...

i tried so hard to run from the pain! i engaged in so many different self destructive behavior i wound hospitalized long term in the 2nd year. that is exactly what i finally realized i was doing, running away... but that's the thing - it follows you!
Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Leslie, and all who have lost a child. I pray that they will each on find the courage to stand their ground ... and embrace their pain.

God, bless them today.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Daily Nugget

Saturday, March 31st, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

The writer of Proverbs 18:22 says,
“Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favor of the LORD.”
I agree with this writer even though the Bible is not dependent upon my confirmation to be right. When God brought my wife to me, I found a good thing. This is her birthday, and I have been blessed to have celebrated nearly twice as many birthdays with her than I did without her. What a favor of the Lord.

"God, Thank You for my wife, Reta.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!

I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Friday, March 30, 2012

Daily Nugget

Friday, March 30th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

Governor Stewart, of Missouri, recognized, in a convict he was about to pardon a steamboat mate under whom he served as cabinboy. He said, “I want you to promise that you will never again take a stick of wood and drive a sick boy out of his berth on a stormy night, because some day that boy may be governor, and you may want him to pardon you for another crime. I was that boy. Here is your pardon.”
Jesus loved us enough to forgive us even though we put Him on the cross. The apostle Paul in Romans 5:8 reminds us,
“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
"God, thank You for Your unconditional love.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!

I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dig in your heals

Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Susan speaks today about ... listening ...

My father, who also suffered the death of a son, told me that Billy knew he was loved and he came from a great family; also told me that there was no easy way to cope; just have to dig in your heels and try the best that you can and don't listen to "well meaning" people.
Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Susan, and all who have lost a child. I pray that they will hear from the ones that do understand ... and that they will ignore others futile efforts.

God, bless them today.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Daily Nugget

Thursday, March 29th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

A revival swept through the university at Princeton, New Jersey. Aaron Burr came to the president of the university and said, “Mr. president, I have made up my mind to consider the claims of Christ. Now, Mr. President, what would you do?” And the old president of the university gave him this advice: “Burr, if I were you, I would wait until the excitement of the revival had subsided, and then I would think it out carefully.” Aaron Burr bowed his head a moment, and then he said, “Mr. President, that is exactly what I will do.” It is stated as a fact that never again in his life did he express a desire to be a Christian, and they say he died without such an expression.
How sad to receive such bad advice. The apostle Paul gave the opposite advice to Agrippa in Acts 26:28, and this is the result of that conversation:
“Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.”
And we see Paul’s response in verse 29 with these words:
“I would to God, that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost, and altogether such as I am.”
Even sadder to get good advice and not take it….

"God, give us wisdom daily for our decisions.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!

I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Yahweh, Day 251

Day 251


... God's difficulty ...

"While I was speaking, praying, confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my petition before Yahweh my God concerning the holy mountain of my God- ..."
Daniel 9:20 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

Have you ever wondered if there is anything that is hard for God to do? Not the typical, "What is it that God can't do?" but, what is it that God can do, yet finds it very difficult to do? We find this difficult endeavor for God in 2 Chronicles 16:9.
"For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to show Himself strong for those whose hearts are completely His."
It is hard for God to find someone whose heart is completely His. This verse illustrates this truth all too well.

For example, when the typical Christian reads this verse they will completely misunderstand God's purpose for His searching. Typically we will read this verse to mean that when God finds the one He is looking for, then God will be able to show Himself strong for that person's benefit! This understanding is actually totally self centered and not God centered.

What the verse means is that God is looking for someone who will be more interested in God's demonstrating God's strength for God's own renown and God's own reputation. Not that the person would desire to acquire a "perfect heart" for any personal benefit whatsoever!

We might state it like this, a perfect heart toward God is one that delights in seeing God move and act for God's own benefit. This was Daniel's heart.

This is in The Name.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Rita speaks today about ... being proactive ...

Seek out others who know what you are going through.
Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Rita, and all who have lost a child. I pray that they will find the strength to open themselves up and find the support and help they need. Without guilt.

God, bless them today.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Daily Nugget

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

"It is with a man as it is with corn. You may take away the stalk, but that is not the corn; you may strip all the husks, one after another, and yet the corn has lost nothing. The kernel remains, and that is the corn. The stalk and husks are good to protect the corn, and carry the sap to it while it is growing; but when it is grown, they are of no use to it. And a man has lost nothing when his surroundings are taken away."
The apostle Paul put it in perspective with these words in Philippians 4:12-13,
“I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Whether on top or on bottom, we must understand it is God who puts us on top, and He is the one who is there with us in our lowest moments.

"God, thank You for being with us always.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!

I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It would have followed me

Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Shel speaks today about ... refusing to run ...

The best advice I received was 'Don't make any huge decisions for the first year after a death'. I had all these crazy plans rattling around in my head that stemmed from me selling my house. Glad I got that advice before I got the chance to run away. It's almost been a year since my son died and I'm so glad I decided to deal with the heart ache instead of try to run from it. I know now that it would have followed me wherever I went, no matter how far I went or for how long I went.
Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Shel, and all who have lost a child. I pray that the wisdom to stay and face their grief will win over the desire to try and deny their grief.

God, bless them today.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Daily Nugget

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

In the window of a small store in Gettysburg, PA, was a sign with these words: “If you can’t stop in, smile as you go by.” It takes 73 muscles to frown but only14 to smile. No wonder the grouchy people are always tired. It has been said if you laugh every day it is equal to 10 minutes of exercise.
The writer of Proverbs 17:22 tells us:
“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”
Give yourself a good workout today. Smile for each person you meet and find at least one person with whom to share a hearty laugh.

"God, help us to bring joy to someone else today.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!

I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Monday, March 26, 2012

Being "born-again" leads to mental illness

I guess this story speaks for itself in many ways. A group from Duke University has decided that the Christian experience of being "born-again" leads to brain atrophy? Oh, they did study an astounding 268 people to come up with this discovery.

So if you claim to have been "born-again" then you are subject to be considered in danger of a mental disorder.

(HealthDay News) -- Older adults who say they've had a life-changing religious experience are more likely to have a greater decrease in size of the hippocampus, the part of the brain critical to learning and memory, new research finds.

According to the study, people who said they were a "born-again" Protestant or Catholic, or conversely, those who had no religious affiliation, had more hippocampal shrinkage (or "atrophy") compared to people who identified themselves as Protestants, but not born-again.

As people age, a certain amount of brain atrophy is expected. Shrinkage of the hippocampus is also associated with depression, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

In the study, researchers asked 268 people aged 58 to 84 about their religious affiliation, spiritual practices and life-changing religious experiences. Over the course of two to eight years, changes to the hippocampus were monitored using MRI scans.

The researchers suggested that stress over holding religious beliefs that fall outside of the mainstream may help explain the findings.

"One interpretation of our finding -- that members of majority religious groups seem to have less atrophy compared with minority religious groups -- is that when you feel your beliefs and values are somewhat at odds with those of society as a whole, it may contribute to long-term stress that could have implications for the brain," Amy Owen, lead author of the study and a research associate at Duke University Medical Center, said in a Duke news release.

The study authors also suggested that life-changing religious experiences could challenge a person's established religious beliefs, triggering stress.

"Other studies have led us to think that whether a new experience you consider spiritual is interpreted as comforting or stressful may depend on whether or not it fits in with your existing religious beliefs and those of the people around you," David Hayward, research associate at Duke University Medical Center, added. "Especially for older adults, these unexpected new experiences may lead to doubts about long-held religious beliefs, or to disagreements with friends and family."

The researchers noted other factors related to hippocampal atrophy, such as age, depression or brain size, as well as other religious factors such as prayer or meditation, could not explain the study's findings.

I would just laugh this off ... but ... this kind of persecution always begins small ... then the lie grows and is broadcast more widely ... without going back to see where the whole lie began.

So, we document it today.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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They have crossed a line

Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Beth speaks today about ... death as entertainment ...

Wonder what other TCF members think about recent TV daytime soaps content, revolving, deaths of children. Today a stillbirth, on AMC, very difficult to watch. May sound trite; but, these programs reach a large population. Having lost a child, is this "fake pain" eye opening to others, or degrading to use the death a child to create more drama, thus increasing ratings. The reality of the loss of a child cannot be portrayed in a TV show. Have a family member that lost a baby, and watches AMC daily for years. Felt how disturbing today's show must have been for her. Just thinking .... they have crossed a line.
Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Beth, and all who have lost a child. I pray that the entertainment industry would have some sense of ... decency.

God, bless them today.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Daily Nugget

Monday, March 26th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

“A single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth a month’s study of books.”
I have been blessed to have a wise, earthly father, who with few words has given me great advice. His strength is the life I have seen him live and that strength speaks for itself. My dad and a couple of other faithful men who have been mentors to me mean more than any books I have read--that is any other book than The Holy Bible.

For example, one of the greatest messages is found in 2 Timothy 2:1-2, in which the apostle Paul tells us and his son in the Lord,
“Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.”
"God, thank You for the wise men and women You placed in my life.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!

I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Daily Nugget

Sunday, March 25th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

“It is only when men begin to worship that they begin to grow.”
(Calvin Coolidge 1872–1933)
What a change from something natural to today when the news flashes the time when (or if) our president decides to worship. Let us return to the worship of our Creator and pray that we grow in all the ways He intended. In Luke 2:52 we are told,
“Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”
His growth was a result of the time He spent with His Heavenly Father.

"God, thank You for providing Your Son not only as an example but also as Savior and Redeemer.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!

I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Where there’s a need for immunity, there’s a crime

The "Green Climate Fund" is seeking world wide immunity from any inspection, audit, or any nations laws or lawsuits. This says a world about the intentions of the global warming alarmists as they seek to force the human race to bow down and serve their god of human engineering of our planet. This, their "Tower of Babel" is going to be brought down by Yahweh for all the world to see ... for man is not God.

Where there’s a need for immunity, there’s a crime – Green climate fund looking to UN for diplomatic immunity protection from lawsuits.
Posted on March 24, 2012 by Anthony Watts

It seems to me, that if you are asking for immunity up-front, you already know that something has been done that without immunity, would land somebody in the slammer. From Fox News:

Mammoth new green climate fund wants United Nations-style diplomatic immunity, even though it’s not part of the UN

“EXCLUSIVE: The Green Climate Fund, which is supposed to help mobilize as much as $100 billion a year to lower global greenhouse gases, is seeking a broad blanket of U.N.-style immunity that would shield its operations from any kind of legal process, including civil and criminal prosecution, in the countries where it operates. There’s just one problem: it is not part of the United Nations.”
More here

H/T to Anthony Watts.

xtnyoda, shalomed


What Will Cause the World to Tremble?

The Desert Rat speaks on ...

... a trembling world.

What Will Cause the World to Tremble?

When Israel went forth from Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of strange language,
Judah became His sanctuary, Israel, His dominion.
The sea looked and fled; the Jordan turned back.
The mountains skipped like rams, the hills, like lambs.
What ails you, O sea, that you flee? O Jordan, that you turn back?
O mountains, that you skip like rams? O hills, like lambs?
Tremble, O earth, before the Lord, before the God of Jacob,
Who turned the rock into a pool of water, the flint into a fountain of water.
- Psalm 114

Will the world tremble and be moved by our buildings? By our entertainment? Our endless programs (we are a Swiss Army Knife, not a doubled-edged sword!)? Our money, celebrity, political power? Our open doors, open everything? Our willingness to water down everything to build bridges to nothing? Our habits and traditions? Our platitudes affirming what they already believe – that they are the center of the universe, little gods in their own right? What will cause the world to tremble and be moved before the Church? The presence of the Lord, and nothing else.

Keep His Word faithfully without editing or compromise, no matter how unappealing or unexciting this may seem to an unbelieving world that hates that Word and those who hold to it: “Jesus answered and said to him, ‘If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s Who sent Me’” (John 14:23,24).

Church, open the Word by the power and teaching of the Spirit and enter in; Spirit, open us with Your sword (Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12,13) and enter in. And so, may we be ever in Your presence together now and forever as Your Church.

For the choir director; on the Gittith. A Psalm of the sons of Korah. How lovely are Your dwelling places, O LORD of hosts!
My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the LORD; my heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God.
The bird also has found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even Your altars, O LORD of hosts, my King and my God.
How blessed are those who dwell in Your house! They are ever praising You. Selah.
How blessed is the man whose strength is in You, in whose heart are the highways to Zion!
Passing through the valley of Baca they make it a spring; the early rain also covers it with blessings.
They go from strength to strength, every one of them appears before God in Zion.
O LORD God of hosts, hear my prayer; give ear, O God of Jacob! Selah.
Behold our shield, O God, and look upon the face of Your anointed.
For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand outside. I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.
For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD gives grace and glory; no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.
O LORD of hosts, how blessed is the man who trusts in You!
- Psalm 84


Daily Nugget

Saturday, March 24th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

“I suppose that if you had asked the men in Elijah’s time what kind of man he was, they would have said, ‘He is very peculiar.’ The king would say, ‘I hate him.’ Jezebel did not like him; the whole royal court didn’t like him, and a great many of the nominal good people didn’t like him; he was too radical. Be willing to be one of Christ’s peculiar people, no matter what men may say of you.”
(D.L. Moody)
Many strange folks live in this world. We need to be a peculiar people (not in the sense of odd duck), who make a difference. We need more people of character for the day in which we are living. In 1 Peter 2:9 we are told,
“Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.”
"God, thank You for the guidance to follow You against the flow of this world.

Bro. Bill


Friday, March 23, 2012

Daily Nugget

Friday, March 23rd, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

“Obedience must be the struggle and desire of our life. Obedience, not hard and forced, but ready, loving and spontaneous; the doing of duty, not merely that the duty may be done, but that the soul in doing it may become capable of receiving and uttering God.”
(Phillips Brooks)
God will not force us to love or serve Him; He "lets" us love, honor, and worship Him. The writer of 1 Samuel 15:22 reminds us,
“Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice."
"God, thank You for letting us serve and honor You.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!

I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

In Joplin, a life saving husband

Daily Nugget

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

“Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.”
(John Ruskin)
You can complain about the weather, or give thanks to God who sent it. There will usually be fifty percent in either choice. Half need and want the rain, and the others have something to do that is dependent on a clear dry day. The writer of Psalms 105:1 says,
“O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.”
"God, Thank You for today’s rain, tomorrow’s sunshine, yesterday’s winds and last month’s frost. Thank You for the variety You bring to our lives.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!

I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Yahweh, Day 250

Day 250


... True Intercessory Prayer ...

"While I was speaking, praying, confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my petition before Yahweh my God concerning the holy mountain of my God- ..."
Daniel 9:20 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

There have been many books written on "intercessory prayer." Yet, there is something lacking in the very concept so often put forth as to exactly what intercessory prayer actually is ... or exactly what should be the focus of Biblical intercession.

We will take the next few days to look at the example of Daniel. We will see the pattern and purpose of intercession from one of scripture's great intercessors ... and trust that in the process we will likewise enter into this greatest of human endeavors ... to appeal to Yahweh ... on behalf of Yahweh.

This is in The Name.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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Much too soon

Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Fran speaks today about ... angel myths ...

"Also God does not make dead people Angels. That is bad theology, Angels are a totally different kind of being that God created. I 'know' where he is, he just went much too soon. He was not supposed to precede me. I know Angels were with him when he died to comfort him, they just came much too soon."
Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Fran, and all who have lost a child. I pray that the knowledge of Your love for their child ... right now ... will mitigate somewhat their sorrow and loss.

God, bless them today.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Daily Nugget

Wednesday, March 21st, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

“Oh, what a happy child I am, although I cannot see! I am resolved that in this world, contented I will be!”
(Fannie Crosby)
Fannie Crosby was limited on earth because she lacked physical vision. However, what she saw and shared with the world has opened many of our spiritual eyes.

The apostle Paul in Philippians 4:13 views it like this,
“I know both how to have a little, and I know how to have a lot. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being content—whether well-fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need. I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me.”
"God, Let us see the blessings You send us each day.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!

I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What "normal" is not

Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Anne speaks today about ... no normals ...

"Some very helpful and kind people told me there is not one way to grieve and not to let anyone tell me how long to grieve, when it's time to move on, or what is "normal" or not. Even though I needed to be reminded at times, I can see now how so very right they were."
Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Anne, and all who have lost a child. I pray that each one will learn and embrace their response to grief as ... their own. That their normal, will become a friend to them ... in the sense of being comfortable with their own, unique, response to grief.

God, bless them today.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Daily Nugget

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

“The purpose of life is not to be happy – but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all.”
(Leo Rosten, American teacher and humorist)
Making a difference to someone else will bring a sense of fulfillment to each of us. The apostle Paul in Galatians 6:2 says,
“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
"God, Thank You for allowing us to serve You by serving others.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!

I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Monday, March 19, 2012

Being Kind

Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Jennifer speaks today about ... a simple suggestion ...

Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Jennifer, and all who have lost a child. I pray that each one will learn this simple yet vital lesson of how to deal with their own selves ... for I know they will be tempted to blame, blame, blame themselves and second guess themselves. "I could have ... should have ... would have ..."

Teach them self-kindness and God, bless them today.

xtnyoda, shalomed




Daily Nugget

Monday, March 19th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

A train was filled with tired people. Most of them had spent the day traveling through the hot dusty plains and at last evening had come and they all tried to settle down to a sound sleep. However, at one end of the car a man was holding a tiny baby and as night came on the baby became restless and cried more and more. Unable to take it any longer, a big brawny man spoke for the rest of the group. “Why don’t you take that baby to its mother?” There was a moment’s pause and then came the reply. “I’m sorry. I’m doin’ my best. The baby’s mother is in her casket in the baggage car ahead.” Again there was an awful silence for a moment. Then the big man who asked the cruel question was out of his seat and moved toward the man with the motherless child. He apologized for his impatience and unkind remark. He took the tiny baby in his own arms and told the tired father to get some sleep. Then in loving patience he cared for the little child all through the night. ---Anonymous
The apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:1-3 says,
“I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”
Taking that advice, let us with patience lighten someone else’s load.

"God, as we have opportunity today, let us serve someone in a way that brings honor to You.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!

I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Daily Nugget

Sunday, March 18th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

John R. W. Stott once admitted the truth that many of us have felt but failed to confess: “The thing I know will give me the deepest joy—namely, to be alone and unhurried in the presence of God, aware of His presence, my heart open to worship Him—is often the thing I least want to do.”
We find it hard to find peace and quiet, and when we do, we tend to fill it with other busyness. We must find that time and place to come apart so to give us time to spend with just Him. The writer of Psalms 27:4 says,
“One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.”
"God, thank You for opening the door for us to have direct fellowship with You.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time! I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Saturday, March 17, 2012

I wasn't looking for advice

Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Jos speaks today about ... being there ...

"I wasn't looking for advice, I had to work through it in my own way and still am, it will be a year on 22 May 2011 since my 19yo son passed as a passenger in a car accident. The best thing my family and friends have done is to just be there and to listen."
Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Jos, and all who have lost sibling. I pray that each one will have someone, or ones, that will care enough to be with them for part of their journey through this valley of dark shadows.

God bless them today.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Prayerful Meditation on Speech

The Desert Rat speaks of our Words...

... a meditation.

Prayerful Meditation on Speech

...teach us to shepherd with Your Word, and may we never “upset the faith of some” (2 Timothy 2:18).
...teach us to shepherd with Your Word, and may we never “lead to further ungodliness” (2:16).
...teach us to shepherd with Your Word, never speaking things which lead “to the ruin of the hearers” (2:14).
...teach us to shepherd with Your Word, rather than artfully using rhetoric, logic, and oratory to wrestle in vain (2:14).
...teach us to shepherd Your Word, keeping us far from shame as we diligently present ourselves before You in our handling of Your Word (2:15).

“Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, ‘The Lord knows those who are His,’ and, ‘Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness.’ Now in a large house there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also vessels of wood and of earthenware, and some to honor and some to dishonor. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work” (2:19-21).

In a world of a billion unstoppable words each second in a seemingly unceasing succession of seconds, remind us that when Your Word is spoken there is significance as weighty as Your eternal and matchless glory. May our tongues be so weighted down with Your Word that we cannot lift them apart from Your strengthening.

“He who restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is considered prudent” (Proverbs 17:27,28).


Daily Nugget

Saturday, March 17th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

"It’s like the beaver told the rabbit as they stared up at the immense wall of Hoover Dam, “No, I didn’t actually build it myself. But it was based on an idea of mine.”
(Charles H. Townes, Nobel Prize winner for laser technology).

The writer of Psalms 94:11says to us:
“The LORD knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity.”
If we are not careful we can get caught up in our own sense of importance. We must learn to thank God who has given us the gifts and abilities we have.

"God, thank You for our gifts as You have seen fit to bestow them to us.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time! I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Friday, March 16, 2012

Siblings also grieve

Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Tina speaks today about ... losing a sibling ...

"My own advice that I now give to others is.... You will learn to accept, but the pain will always be there and you should acknowledge that pain, that person meant the world to you and will never be forgotten, love is forever and I believe that one day we will meet again. Love you Steven... miss you so much...." (sibling)
Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Tina, and all who have lost sibling. I pray that Your Spirit will manifest it's presence more clearly than ever in each of their lives ... a Spirit of companionship and comfort.

God bless them today.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Daily Nugget

Friday, March 16th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

“A silent love is acceptable only from the lower animals. God has given us speech that we should call upon his name. Worship is to religion what fragrance is to the flower.”
(Henry Van Dyke)
We use words to express our love and gratitude to our spouse, our friends, and our children. We even verbally declare our love to our dogs or cats. What a tragedy when we do not use the speech God has given us to praise Him. The writer of Psalms 150:6 says
“Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord”
"God, You are worthy of all praise and glory.

Bro. Bill

God is Good...All the time! I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Thursday, March 15, 2012

We were all cheated

Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Fran speaks today about ... a too early departure ...

I am happy for you that those words gave you comfort. However they would be of no comfort to me. Our son Sean died much too young. He had so many hopes and dreams he wanted to complete and never had the chance to do so. I turn to my faith (Episcopal) often but I hate that a wonderful young man that was so loving and giving left us much too soon. He should have gone to that "better" place when he was an old man who experienced all that our earthly journey gives to us, the good and the sad.

His daughter was 6 yrs. old when he died and she is deprived of not having a Daddy to help and guard her, she will never experience being the Princess that comes with his loving her. Luckily no one has ever said that to me because it would have hurt me and not sure how I would have responded to that person. I probably would have thought that person did not mean any harm, was just ignorant of how much the pain of having your child die is. Again Sean had plenty of time to get to that "better" place AFTER he had the time to experience all that life has to offer. We were all cheated by his untimely death.

Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Fran, and all who have lost a child. I pray that You will be present in their pain and sorrow, and that each will find the inner strength of Your Grace ... for the journey that each day now holds for them and their loved ones.

God bless them today.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Daily Nugget

Thursday, March 15th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

“God, who sees us in our worst moments, does not measure us by them.”
(Elisa Morgan)
The writer of Psalms 147:4 says,
“He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.”
The Heavenly Father, Who created the universe and everything in it, knows all about us and still loves us. How awesome!

"God, thank You for loving us beyond all expectations.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time! I am thankful to know this Awesome God!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Yahweh, Day 249

Day 249


... Present in our worship ...

"... The name of the city from that day on will be: Yahweh Is There."
Ezekiel 48:35 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

Yahweh's Presence. There is no greater blessing or reality.

Another dimension of the fulfillment of this word ... The Spirit of Yahweh now dwells ... is present ... in the heart and worship of the local church when they gather for corporate worship.

"For the One who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one Father. That is why He is not ashamed to call them brothers, saying: I will proclaim Your name to My brothers; I will sing hymns to You in the congregation."
Hebrews 2:11-12 (HCSB)
This of course a quote and application from Psalm 22:22. When the church gathers for worship there is one that joins with them, Jesus. And as the church worships The Father, The Son joins the church in worship.

I have asked worship leaders if they have ever contemplated that as they are leading the church in worship, they are also leading the Son in worship as well.

Rejoice child of God ... Yahweh is present with and in you.

This is in The Name.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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Daily Nugget

Wednesday, March 14th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

“Your purpose ... has nothing to do with grandiose goals, lofty achievements, or universal fame. It is the quiet confidence that, even if you never leave your neighborhood, you will have lived fully.”
(Sybil Stanton)
The title of mom or dad, grandma or granddad, or daughter or son can bring more joy than any worldly honor. True joy comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ, a relationship that makes us daughters or sons in God’s family. Jesus reminds us in John 10:10,
“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
"God, thank You for allowing us into Your family through Your Son Jesus.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Patty speaks today about ... one more day ...

"Every day that I go through and survive is one more day I am closer to seeing my son again."
Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Patty, and all who have lost a child. I pray that with each passing day that hope will grow one day stronger.

God bless them today.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Daily Nugget

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

“Most successful football players are free to perform at their best only when they know what the expectations are, where the limits stand. I see this as a biblical principle that also applies to life, a principle our society as a whole has forgotten; you can’t enjoy true freedom without limits.”
(Tom Landry)
Jesus Himself knew what it was like, laying aside His position in glory to become a man being subject to the limitations of the flesh in order to be obedient to God. In Hebrews 5:7-8, the writer says,
“Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared; Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered.”
"God, let us become subject to the limitations You have placed on us for Your glory.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!


Monday, March 12, 2012

New Marine ad

It was an honor to have served.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Global Warming Human Body Engineering

Just about the time you think you've seen the craziest of craziness ... up pops a story like this.

The threat of global climate change has prompted us to redesign many of our technologies to be more energy-efficient. From lightweight hybrid cars to long-lasting LED's, engineers have made well-known products smaller and less wasteful. But tinkering with our tools will only get us so far, because however smart our technologies become, the human body has its own ecological footprint, and there are more of them than ever before. So, some scholars are asking, what if we could engineer human beings to be more energy efficient? A new paper to be published in Ethics, Policy & Environment proposes a series of biomedical modifications that could help humans, themselves, consume less.

Some of the proposed modifications are simple and noninvasive. For instance, many people wish to give up meat for ecological reasons, but lack the willpower to do so on their own. The paper suggests that such individuals could take a pill that would trigger mild nausea upon the ingestion of meat, which would then lead to a lasting aversion to meat-eating. Other techniques are bound to be more controversial. For instance, the paper suggests that parents could make use of genetic engineering or hormone therapy in order to birth smaller, less resource-intensive children. ....
Did I say crazy? This would make Hitler blush.

If you want to puke go read it all.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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Thankful for a day

Terminal Cancer Victim Gets Fairytale Wedding from ourprecioussavior on GodTube.

Seeing this video makes me ... thankful for each day in a new determination.

Thank God for each day.

xtnyoda, shalomed


No more hurt

Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Georgia speaks today about ... a child's pain ...

"She's not hurting anymore."
Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Georgia, and all who have lost a child. I pray that for those who have had to endure the suffering and pain that a child suffers ... that they will find this Mother's solace ... no more pain for their child.

God bless them today.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Daily Nugget

Monday, March 12th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

When Henry James, the American novelist, was saying good-by once to his young nephew, Billy, son of his brother William, he said something the boy never forgot. Of all the fancy, labyrinthine, impenetrable things that fancy, labyrinthine, impenetrable old novelist could have said, what he did say to Willie as he called him, is this: “Willie, there are three things that are important in human life. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. The third is to be kind.”
(Frederick Buechner)
In a world where minutes and seconds are important to be able to share a myriad of information, yet to be able to condense it down to the most important and useful tidbit is valuable. The apostle Paul, likewise, in Ephesians 4:32 reduces it to this for us:
“Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”
"God, thank You for our forgiveness. May we follow Your example.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Daily Nugget

Sunday, March 11th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

“Sometimes, the prettiest smiles hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears, and the kindest hearts have felt the most pain.”
The trials and pains we go through prepare us to encourage others and to ease their sufferings. The apostle Paul in Galatians 6:2 gives this challenge to us:
“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”
"God, let us see You as You are, high and lifted up.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!


Treading the waters of grief

Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Melanie speaks today about ... waves of grief ...

"I cannot really say that it was advice that was MOST important. Rather, it was when I was told that there REALLY IS A GRIEVING PROCESS! I thought I was going bonkers, because it was such an emotional roller coaster ride. I could not understand such RAW emotions. When I had learned the different stages of grief I was able to RECOGNIZE that it was a Stage of Grief that was crashing up against me. Although, I could not CONTROL when it was going to hit me.... I was able to BRACE MYSELF when I saw it coming over me. Just that little HEADS UP gave me ENOUGH time to catch my breath when a wave would come toppling down over me.



If you are a new to this broken road, I highly encourage you to seek out grief counseling."

Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Melanie, and all who have lost a child. I pray that understanding will fine them each and every one ... and with their understanding ... freedom to grieve as only they can.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Listen to the heart

Just a MUST see. Parents that lost their daughter get to hear her heart beating once again. A real life "Return to Me" story.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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Yahweh, Day 248

Day 248


... Present in you ...

"... The name of the city from that day on will be: Yahweh Is There."
Ezekiel 48:35 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

Yahweh's Presence. There is no greater blessing or reality.

And now, the fulfillment of this word ... The Spirit of Yahweh now dwells ... is present ... in the heart and life of each redeemed child of God.

"I have become its minister, according to God's administration that was given to me for you, to make God's message fully known, the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to His saints. God wanted to make known to those among the Gentiles the glorious wealth of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."
Colossians 1:25-27 (HCSB)
When one is 'born again' one becomes the dwelling place ... abiding place ... temple ... of Holy God. This was never dreamed by any other religion ... nor considered.

Rejoice child of God ... Yahweh is present with and in you.

This is in The Name.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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No it doesn't

Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Anita speaks today about ... getting better with grief ...

"I don't remember much of what anyone said to me, just that they were there for me, i especially remember the friend who was was there, obviously uncomfortable, not knowing what to say or do, but he was there anyway. and i remember talking to a lady i hadn't seen in probably 15 years... she too had lost a son. i had heard over and over that "time heals all wounds" or give it time, or whatever. she said no it doesn't, it never gets better, but you get better at dealing with it."
Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Anita, and all who have lost a child. I thank You for those who care enough to be there ... when words fail ... none the less ... they are there. Bless them.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Daily Nugget

Saturday, March 10th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

“Sleep with clean hands, either kept clean all day by integrity or washed clean at night by repentance.”
(John Donne)
What a blessing to be washed whiter than snow by the forgiveness God gives us if we just ask. The apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 7:1,
“Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”
"God, let us see You as You are, high and lifted up.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!


Friday, March 09, 2012

Still waiting

Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

Jewell speaks today about ... waiting for good advise ...

"After almost three years I am still waiting for some good advise. Michael was 29 when he died of cancer. He was in the navy and was our second born of four. He was our only son."
Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Jewell, and all who have lost a child. I pray that even though they will find it hard to hear from others, sometimes perhaps never, may they learn to hear Your Still Small Voice.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Daily Nugget

Friday, March 9th, 2012.

Today's cherished Nugget from guest blogger Pastor Bill.

“The turning point in our lives is when we stop seeking the God we want and start seeking the God who is.”
(Patrick Morley)
To have that closer walk and subsequent fellowship with God, we must empty ourselves of self and seek Him.

The writer of Deuteronomy 4:29 gave us these words of wisdom:
“...if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul.”
"God, let us see You as You are, high and lifted up.

Bro. Bill

God is Good... All the time!


Thursday, March 08, 2012

The simple things

Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ... all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.

JoAnna speaks today about ... a simple card ...

"An elderly woman in the neighborhood we had just moved into prior to Rick's illness sent a sympathy card to my home. The card was beautiful but I do not remember anything about the card itself, not the way it looked, the picture on it, nothing. It was what she wrote on the card that penetrated my heart and is still with me 25 years after Rick died. She said...'God must have wanted a very special angel so that is why he chose Rick to come home to be with Him.' I will never forget that woman's kindness and comfort to me at the most horrific time of my life. God Bless Her Where Ever She Is!!! I love you Ma'am!!"
Father, Yahweh, I pray today for JoAnna, and all who have lost a child. I pray that they will each one have that special someone ... that will share a simple word ... that helps.

xtnyoda, shalomed


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