Friday, September 04, 2015

Today's Cherished Nugget

  Friday September th, 2015, Today's cherished nugget from guest blogger, Pastor Bill.
Why does everyone think he is an exception to the rules? The truth is we are exceptions to the rules. Maybe not exactly as we envision, but the writer of Psalms 139:14 is aware and phrases it this way: “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”
We are uniquely made for a special purpose, and that is to praise and bring honor to God, our Creator. The writer of I Peter 2:9 reminds us of that with these words: “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”
Many will not live up to their calling. Will we be the exception to that rule?
God, thank You for days and years you give us to praise You. Amen.
Bro. Bill
In God we trust!


Thursday, September 03, 2015

Daily Nugget

Thursday September 3, 2015, Today's cherished nugget from guest blogger, Pastor Bill.
“His thoughts were slow; His words were few and never formed to glisten. But he was a joy to all his friends— You should have heard him listen” (Anonymous).
The wise writer of Proverbs 1:5 shares this with us: “The wise man also may hear and increase in learning.”
In other words, when we listen, we receive more than knowledge; we gain friends.
God, let us listen to You and gain the wisdom of Your words.  Amen.
Bro. Bill
In God we trust!


Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Beware the coming Cold

All the while we have the "hype" about a man induced global warming, the reality is the opposite. Our local star ... the sun ... is not cooperating with the attempts to convince us that climate change is humanities fault, specifically the industrial nations fault through the use of energy.

According to NASA, the sunspot cycle we are now passing through – Sunspot Cycle 24 – is the smallest such cycle since Cycle 14, which ended back in 1906.
That is incorrect, says reader J. H. Walker.
“The problem with NASA’s sunspot count is that these are inflated by every blemish and spot fragment due to the optics they use,” says Walker.
If you use the Landscheidt sunspot-counting method, which counts only those spots that can be seen by 40MM optics, you realize that the current count is less than Solar Cycle 5. That solar cycle began in May 1798 and ended in December 1810.
It also corresponded with the Dalton Minimum.
The Dalton Minimum, a period of low solar activity named after English meteorologist John Dalton, lasted from about 1790 to 1830, says Wikipedia....
Full article here

Join with me in prayer for the provision and protection of those most vulnerable to the harsh cold that is coming earth's way.




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