The Return of the Prodigal Son
(1773) by Pompeo Batoni
Prodigal ChristainityThe prodigal son asked for his share of the family inheritance. What he in fact said to his father was that he wished his father dead. One only receives one's inheritance after the death of the estate holder. Sad commentary indeed.
While one is still in the state of being an heir, one has the responsibility of serving as a steward of the estate. The estate is not yet owned by the heir, but it is the responsibility of the heir to manage the estate.Col 3:23,24 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.
Notice how the inheritance is not received here in this life, but much more rather it is received in the "after" this life. In the mean time we are adjured to serve the Lord here and now. Sounds pretty simple...however...
So much of "popular Christianity" easily fits into the mindset and evil heart of the wayfaring prodigal. Much is made about what we should expect to receive from God in this life...even demand...or beg...whatever one would call an entitlement mentality.
And...if God doesn't readily supply all our desires we will go out and get what we desire on credit...of course trusting that God will help us pay back what God didn't give to us in the first place. The typical Christian family is in debt...head over heals...and why?
The result of pop christianity telling us what we should get from God. What I call Prodigal Christianity...I want my inheritance NOW! Come get your blessing!
If you will only believe you can receive!
How to get a better job!
How to have a finer house!
How nauseum.
If one could imagine the heart break of the Father when his loved son wished him dead, "I want my inheritance now!" Now imagine the grief for our Heavenly Father when we are not content with what is provided...demand the expense of any reason.
Our families are broke. Our churches struggle...because her families are broke. The Kingdom work is a low priority...even though it is Yahweh's priority.
Instead of stewards of Yahweh's resources we have demanded our inheritance now.
Heaven weeps. Prodigal Christian...come home.
XtnYoda ShalomedLabels: scripture understanding