Dialy Nugget
An unknown poet has described what it means to walk with God:
Begin the day with God, kneel down to Him in prayer;
Lift up your heart to His abode and seek His love to share.
Open the Book of God and read a portion there,
That it may hallow all your thoughts and sweeten all your care.
Go through the day with God, e’en though you may not see,
Where’er you are, at home, abroad, He still is near to thee.
Converse in mind with God, your spirit heavenward raise;
Acknowledge every good bestowed and offer grateful praise.
Conclude your day with God, your sins to Him confess;
Trust in the Lord’s atoning blood and plead His righteousness.
Lie down at night with God, who gives His servants sleep;
And when you tread the vale of death,
He’ll safely guard and keep.
May we all have that kind of fellowship with God.
Then we will know its blessed benefits.
—Author Unknown
The writer of Psalms 22:26 says, “The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the LORD that seek him: your heart shall live for ever.” What a blessing that God seeks us and draws us to Himself. As He does, we are the ones who are benefited because we walk with Him.
God, thank You for inviting us to spend time with You. Forgive us when we choose to walk with the world instead of You. Amen
In GOD we Trust!
Labels: Pastor Bill
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