Wednesday, December 08, 2010

You could call him ‘Harrah Reid’

"Harrah Reid" is rolling his political capital...


and he's going to come up with snake eyes I'm afraid.

Politico story
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is trying to use the tax cut package President Barack Obama brokered with Republicans to legalize online poker, POLITICO has learned — a move that could further complicate the deal Obama announced Monday.

Already, the online poker proposal has exposed the Nevada Democrat to charges of flip-flopping on a controversial issue, as well as using his Senate leadership position to repay big casino interests that helped him win reelection in a hard-fought campaign against Republican Sharron Angle last month....

Reid, who has previously opposed online gambling, declined to comment Monday through a spokesman.

But Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), as well as several senior congressional sources and gambling lobbyists, confirmed that Reid and his staff have reached out to other Senate offices to try to build support for adding the online poker legislation ...

....“The House Republicans will go crazy if this is in the bill,” said one senior congressional aide, declaring it “a total, 100 percent payback” for the support Reid received from gambling interests. The aide asserted that lobbyists for the Las Vegas-based casino operator Harrah's, now known as Caesars Entertainment Corp., even helped write the legislation.

“You could call him ‘Harrah Reid’ at this point,” the aide quipped.

The company, through its employees and political action committee, contributed $83,000 to Reid’s reelection campaign, making it his fourth most generous supporter, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. Another Vegas casino operator, MGM Resorts International, was Reid’s biggest donor, at $192,000....
Pure corruption... and a disgrace for Nevada and our nation.

Sooner or later every snake must come out of their holes and expose themselves for what they really are... and we see you very clearly Mr. Reid... and now we await the justice departments investigation... but we won't hold our breath on that one.

xtnyoda, shalomed

H/T Jeremy!



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