Thursday, November 04, 2010

Yesterday I posted about Oklahoma voters passing a measure that said that in Oklahoma there will be no room for judges or courts to consider Sharia Muslim law in Oklahoma courtrooms. I also mentioned that there were sure to be lawsuits to try and stop the overwhelmingly passed initiative, 70% passage vote to be a little more exact.

It took all of 2 days for the lawsuit to be filed.

AP Yahoo news
Lawsuit filed in Okla. against Islamic law ban

OKLAHOMA CITY – An Oklahoma Muslim filed a federal lawsuit on Thursday to block a state constitutional amendment overwhelmingly approved by voters that would prohibit state courts from considering international law or Islamic law when deciding cases.

The measure, which got 70 percent of the vote in Tuesday's election, was one of several on Oklahoma's ballot that critics said pandered to conservatives and would move the state further to the right.

The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Oklahoma City, seeks a temporary retraining order and injunction to block the election results from being certified by the state Election Board on Nov. 9. Among other things, the lawsuit alleges the ballot measure transforms Oklahoma's Constitution into "an enduring condemnation" of Islam by singling it out for special restrictions by barring Islamic law, also known as Sharia law.

"We have a handful of politicians who have pushed an amendment onto our state ballot and then conducted a well-planned and well-funded campaign of misinformation and fear," said Muneer Awad, who filed the suit and is executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Oklahoma. "We have certain unalienable rights, and those rights cannot be taken away from me by a political campaign."....
So... Muneer... you claim the "unalienable right" to keep the door open for Sharia law? Now... I thought your cohorts said that there was going to be no move to institute Sharia law? So... what are you complaining about?

Make no mistake... the goal of establishing Sharia is at the very core of the Muslim effort to take over America.

We are not stupid.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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