Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Just is time for the Day of Silence... we get this from a school in New Jersey.

FOX news
N.J. Elementary School Cancels 'Cross-Dressing' Fashion Show After Complaints

A school superintendent in New Jersey says a "misunderstanding" led an elementary school teacher to mandate that all students -- including young boys -- dress as women in a now-canceled fashion show to honor Women's History Month.

A school superintendent in New Jersey says a "misunderstanding" led an elementary school teacher to mandate that all students -- including young boys -- dress as women in a now-canceled fashion show to honor Women's History Month.

Maple Shade Township School Superintendent Michael Livengood said the show, which had been scheduled for Friday at Maude Wilkins Elementary School, has been canceled.

"I wish the letter had been clearer and had been worded differently," Livengood told, referring to a letter sent home to the children's parents last week informing them of the assignment. "But it was a misunderstanding. It was meant to demonstrate students' awareness in women's roles, and along with that, their changes in fashion over time."

In a 16-page packet sent home with students, teacher Tonya Uibel alerted parents that all students in her third grade class would have to participate in the activity, since it would be graded as an "end of unit" assignment. The packet also included suggestions of how students may dress, including fashions from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s like bellbottoms, poodle skirts and cheerleader outfits. Photographs of fashion icons like Twiggy and Madonna are also included.....

And to this madness our newest guest blogger, Principal Debra, responds with...
Parents - Your child's education is YOUR responsibility

I worked in the public school system for several years, and there were a lot of activities that shocked me but none like this one! PARENTS, you have to know what is going on in your child's classroom!! You have to know what your children are being taught! Read their textbooks! Look at their assignments! Ask if you can schedule your lunch at different times and then use those times to pop in at your child's school!

You cannot trust your child to tell you everything that happens at school. Meet every teacher your child has. Go to after school activities to see how the other students (and their parents) behave. Tell your child's teacher that you are to be informed before of any assemblies your child may be required to attend.

Deuteronomy 6:7-9 commands parents to teach our children God's Word diligently and constantly. Trust me, the world will not do that for us! If our children are going to be exposed to the sin of this world, we have to prepare them and parents have to know what they are up against.

You do have a say in what your child learns, even in a public school. Again, I beg of you, be involved in your child's education. If we are teaching our children God's Word, the world will be teaching them satan's lies. The world is just waiting for us to slack off from our child's education.

Thanks Ms. Debra!

Consider and ponder.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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