Monday, April 12, 2010

Now... for the xtnyoda reason for the amazing amounts of pollen in the air... more than ever recorded in history...

... The media is only giving part of the story. They are correct in that we had a very brutal and long winter... now yielding to warmer, sunny spring... as in the Huffington Post article below... but that is the end of their appropriateness.

The real reason is that plants will produce more fruit when they sense that their existence is threatened... it is a survival technique.

The actual global cooling has all of nature in survival mode so we will see this kind of response from nature... mass efforts at reproduction for their species to survive the coming cold climate.

This is also the reason for pruning vines and other plants to produce more fruit and vegetables... it is not to give the productive branches more sap... it is to make the plant feel threatened... under pressure... thus... more production.

Huffington Post article
....The source of all this trouble, ABC News reports, is a "pollen explosion like most of the country has never seen." Spring's late arrival, combined with record breaking warm temperatures, is causing "all the different trees, flowers and grasses to share their love at the same time."

Heavy rains in the North and Southeast in the past three months have contributed to a "reproduction explosion with the pollen," according to Atlanta botanist Amanda Campbell.....

There is also a correlation here with humanity... when we feel threatened we become more... productive... more involved.

We are seeing this in Americans today.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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