Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 57

The Glorious Name... filling the whole earth... What few, few people ever get to see...

Recall first that the Hebrew word for "glorious" means "weighty" or heavy...
Deuteronomy 28:58-59
"... Fearing this glorious and awesome name-Yahweh, your God..."
(Holman Christian Standard Bible)

Now... hear the Seraph's song...
"In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne, and His robe filled the temple. Seraphim were standing above Him; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew. And one called to another: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts; His glory fills the whole earth."
Isaiah 6:1-3 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

Significant Lesson.

In the first 5 chapters of Isaiah we find Isaiah the Priest serving faithfully. As you read those 5 chapters all one sees are the problems in Israel... real and dread problems.

The capstone then crashes to the ground in the opening of chapter 6... Uzziah the loved, faithful, respected King dies... under the hand of Yahweh's judgment. In the collective mind of Israel... as it goes with the King... so it goes with the nation.

This drives the Priest Isaiah to the Temple... five agonizing chapters of sin and degradation in the nation... now the King dies under the judgment of God.

Suddenly... unexpectedly... the heavens blast open with vision and majesty... the very Throne Room of brilliance bursts open before Isaiah's quivering eyes revealing spiritual reality not seen by man for over a thousand years...

The Seraphim cannot help but sing their song of praise... above the Throne... above the Majesty... and we dare not miss the last line of the song... yet... most of mankind never... never... hear these blessed words. Oh... yes... they have been read multitudes of times... yet not heard.

Are you ready to hear the revealed truth of the Seraph's Song?

"His glory fills the whole earth."

For five agonizing chapters all Priest Isaiah saw was the wretched condition of humanity and his nation. Now... finally... Priest Isaiah gets his eyes off of humanity... sees and hears the Heavenly utterance that Yahweh's Glory... fills the whole earth.

Isaiah had been totally... utterly... absolutely blind... to the Glory of God... but... God's Glory had filled the earth all the while... yet he could only see the problems.

In that flash of revelation Isaiah was transformed from simply being a Priest... and became a Prophet of the Most High God.

Can you hear the following that I share?

The Glory of Yahweh... still fills the whole earth... today.

Can you see it... or are you still laboring under the weight of the world's... fallen grief? Are you blinded to the Glory?

Would you become a Prophet instead of a labored Priest?

xtnyoda, shalomed

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