Monday, April 12, 2010

The fedearal government is going to spend $31,406 dollars per household this year...

...yet the federal government is only going to actually collect $13,130 average per household during the same time... so... just where do you think that the other $18 or so thousand is going to come from?

Oh... it's going to come from our children.... and keep in mind this only represents the debt being passed on for 1 (one) year... to those coming after us.

Tampabay opinion
Washington will spend $31,406 per household this year

Taxpayers filing their 1040s are likely wondering just where all their hard-earned tax dollars are going, anyway. • Washington will spend $31,406 per household in 2010 — the highest level in American history (adjusted for inflation). It will collect $18,276 per household in taxes. The remaining $13,130 represents this year's staggering budget deficit per household, which, along with all prior government debt, will be dumped in the laps of our children....
Social Security/Medicare: $9,949.
Defense: $6,071.
Antipoverty programs: $5,466.
Unemployment benefits: $1,640.
Interest on the federal debt: $1,585.
Veterans' benefits: $1,052.
Education: $914.
Highways/mass transit: $613.
Health research/regulation: $550.
Mortgage Credit: $470

The programs listed above cover $29,328 per household. The remaining $2,078 is allocated to all other federal programs, including justice, international affairs, natural resources, the environment, regional development, farm subsidies, social services, space exploration, air transportation and energy.

Taxpayers — and the next generation that will be paying nearly half of the bill — must decide for themselves if they're getting their money's worth.

Our government is not only spending today's resources... but spending tomorrow's resources... today.

And they want to accuse conservatives as being.... greedy?

Consider and ponder.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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