Sunday, April 11, 2010

Last Sunday it was the "Brothers and Sisters" shocker... at least for xtnyoda it was a shocker... now... this Sunday... Our newest guest blogger... Counselor Karen brings us news of a new movement in our public schools called "Day of Silence."

This day is to be dedicated to calling attention to all the, "anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in their schools." Their assertion is of course a double question... implicitly implying that all schools have all the harassment going on... so to start with... this is prejudice in it's purest form... implying all "strait" students and adults.

Therefore... now... if you are "straight" you are defacto a "gay-basher."

Day of Silence

Here is a question from blogger Karen...

They make it sound so positive and great for our schools and students. But is this subverting the truth of God’s word and subtly indoctrinating our children?

Parents…do you know where your children are and what they are participating in at school?

Are we ready for this in our public schools... the demonizing of all students that are not quite ready to embrace alternate life-styles as normal without a personal opinion that might be contrary?

Is this not "thought-policing?"

What this is... in fact... is mental and emotional abuse against straight students.

Thanks Karen for bringing this to our attention... and welcome to the blogosphere!!!

xtnyoda, shalomed



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