Care to support the faithful in Iraq?
Rick over at Brutally Honest, has given us a GREAT opportunity!!!
I'm certain we have all heard about the Muslim killing of Christians in Iraq in the last few days... and we've all felt the grief at the loss our our dear ones. Now, there is a way we can actually respond in prayer and support of the Christians there.
First... a sampling of Rick's post, and there is much more on his site you will want to go see.
Christians in Iraq have been, and not for the first time, deliberately targeted in a major terrorist attack. Indeed, from Indonesia to Pakistan to Iraq, from the Gaza Strip to Egypt to Sudan to Nigeria, Christians are being assaulted, intimidated, and murdered by militant Muslims.....
Rick's message goes on to share an e-mail address that you can send your prayers and words support... directly to the faithful being persecuted in Baghdad. Your messages will actually be put on paper and shared with the faithful there in Baghdad.
Following is the message and prayer that I sent to the faithful in Iraq this morning.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus.
May the God of all Glory, the Spirit of all Comfort, and Christ our Savior and Sacrifice... be near you.
"Father, as these faithful children endure some of the same hatred and slaughter as did Your Own Dear Son... and as Your heart must have hurt over the sacrifice of Your Son... consider these Your Sons and Daughters. Oh Father, for Your Name's sake, embrace them. Wrap them in the warmth of your love and admiration. Father, if there be any way... deliver them from this evil. Lord, have mercy.
For those who have already paid the highest human price with their martyred blood on the altar of sacrifice... remind their loved ones that it is a sacred altar... sanctified and cleansed in advance... by the Blood of Jesus.
In Jesus Name."
Brothers and Sisters, please know that your great sacrifice is not unnoticed, but is rather being used by God to greatly stir the hearts of God's children around the entire world.
God's Glory rest upon you.
Ptr. Chuck
Also, a H/T to our academy administrator, Debra, for the following links to other current news stories that aren't in the MSM about the persecution of Christians in other places of our world.
xtnyoda, shalomed
Burning Churches and Schools in India and Pakistan.
More Schools and Churches Burned Down
Labels: brutally honest, jihad, spiritual awakening, spiritual war
The attack on the church is in full swing Chuck, just as it was foretold in prophesy and later by the words of the Lord Jesus himself.
We are living in the end times. We may not live to see the final conflict or the second coming, but each now looms on the horizon ever clearer. And the certainty of his truth is immutable.moutagg
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