Islamic Militantism is assaulting the United States Of America... on our own soil... and the very institutions that have supposedly led the charge for freedom (of speech) to defame all we hold sacred... are the first to cave to the assaults of the Militants.
Daily Caller report
Expert says Comedy Central censorship signals ’slow-motion surrender’ in the West
Comedy Central censored any mention of the word “Muhammad” in a recent “South Park” episode following threats from a radical Islam group, and one terrorism policy expert says the network’s decision is part of a trend of America surrendering its freedom of speech in the face of intimidation.
Clifford May, who presides over the Foundation for Defense of Democracies terrorism policy institute, said “it would be nice” to see artists and film directors “really stand up for freedom” and that “it’s really disappointing when they don’t.”
“What we are seeing, if this continues, is a slow-motion surrender in the West, and that’s a pretty terrible thing,” said May, when asked to comment on the censoring of words in the show. “South Park” in the past has not shied away from depicting religious leaders engaged in outrageous behavior.
Radical New York group Revolution Muslim took to their Web site after last week’s “South Park” episode, which portrayed the prophet Muhammad in a bear costume. Revolution Muslim posted the names and work addresses of Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the show’s producers, on its Web site and warned that they could end up dead like a Dutch filmmaker who was killed by a Muslim extremist for his portrayal of the prophet.
In this week’s episode, every mention of Muhammad was bleeped out.
“We should be very concerned about intimidation leading to self-censorship. We are seeing this increasingly,” May said. He pointed to the Ayatollah of Iran’s issuance of a fatwa against Westerners in 1989 and to the death of Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh, who was killed by an Islamic extremist for his portrayal of Muhammad.
Company spokesman Steve Albani would only confirm to The Daily Caller that “Comedy Central did add additional bleeps to the episode that was delivered by South Park,” but he would not elaborate.
Revolution Muslim is hardly a mainstream organization. Leaders of the radical group have called on Muslims to “rise up” against America, according to a Newsweek article, and they praise Osama bin Laden. “I love him more than I love myself,” one of the group’s leaders told CNN. Yet, law enforcement has said, other than keeping a close eye on them, there’s not much else that can be done.
‘It’s usually a First Amendment right if they don’t cross the threshold of making threats,” an FBI spokesman told Fox News about the group. “There’s nothing we should or could do.”
Albani would also not comment on whether the company has been in touch with the authorities over the group’s threat....
...and a word from xtnyoda to the FBI about the above paragraph... the threat to kill the South Park producers is terroristic threatening... why are you looking the other way?
I am grateful that the likes of Comedy Central... in their South Park episode ‘201’ can depict Jesus downloading porn... without fearing death threats from Christians as the above article goes on to inform... but we must realize that our government should exert the same protections to the producers of South Park as they would if someone called the White House and stated that they were going to kill the President of the United States.
This is an assault on America and left unchallenged will encourage more terrorist assaults on our liberty and freedom of speech.
And, unanswered will further embolden American based Militants.
xtnyoda, shalomed
Labels: culture of corruption, spiritual awakening, terrorism
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