Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bertha Lewis, CEO of ACORN... publicly and repeatedly... declares that she is a socialist... and predicts that her audience is getting ready to be hunted down and placed in "internment camps" by.... Tea Party members?

So now the Tea Party is being accused of becoming some sort of fascist thug movement? This is too funny/ridiculous/evil.

This friends... is "hate" speech.

Big Government article
Bertha Lewis Unleashed: Bashes Conservatives and the Tea Party, Promotes Socialism
by Morgen Richmond

Apparently CEO Bertha Lewis said of ACORN yesterday “we’re on life support”. Well, I think ACORN’s remaining benefactors might be a little closer to pulling the plug once and for all after watching this bizarre rant from Ms. Lewis from just a few weeks ago. She is speaking at the Winter Conference of the Young Democratic Socialists on March 25, 2010 – watch:

As I’ve said elsewhere, I think it is unbecoming of conservatives to engage in hyperbole and personal attacks. We should allow this to remain the primary tool of our opponents. Lewis is clearly a bit unhinged here, but the underlying debate is an important one for the future of America. Frankly, I wish more “progressives” would express their views so openly. The debate between socialist values of collectivism and government control, and traditional American values of individual liberty and free enterprise is one we should relish......

From what I've seen... most of the Tea Party participants are Grandma's and Grandpa's.... mixed in with a few progressive trouble makers... trying to make a movement that they can't counter with logic and debate... look bad by inciting fake violence.

For now... let them know that impostors are pathetic creatures... yet... not to be pitied.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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