Thursday, February 18, 2010

Remember the insidious "Values Clarification?" that was shoved down our children's throats?

Take a long hard look at the video and the following commentary by The Borg Conspiracy... and buckle your seat belts for a bumpy ride of indignation at the manipulation... and resolve to stand against the surge of evil that has been set against our children... our culture... our country... our freedom.
Under Seige: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

Charlotte Iserbyt. As a teacher and educator, she was trained to identify "the resistors." In this nine minute interview, watch and observe, as she describes the methodology and the master plan for destroying not only the American education process, but also how the methodology was and continues to be implemented to destroy our heritage, our faith and history.

Blooms Taxonomy: Listen as she explains precisely how Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains are utilized and have been utilized to dumb down and destroy all cognitive reasoning and resistance to the secular humanist and egalitarian multicultural take over of America.

According to Ms.Iserbyt's repeated exposure and training in Bloom's philosophy, "The purpose of education, is to change the thoughts, actions and feelings of students."

Bloom's Taxonomy further states: "Good teaching is challenging the student's fixed beliefs."

And according to Ms. Iserbyt, Bloom openly bragged in his text on behavioral modification, that "he can take a student believing in God and his country, to being an Atheist and not believing in his country in an hour."

And these are the very people that we have allowed to infect our children for two generations now. The radical revolutionaries pf the 1960's like William Ayers. And as an is William Ayers looked upon today.
"is an American elementary education theorist and a former leader in the movement that opposed U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. He is known for his 1960's activism as well as his current work in education reform, curriculum, and instruction. In 1969 he co-founded the Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary" Wikipedia reference

And this woman has seen it done in practical application and she has been witness to it for decades. As both a teacher and an administrator of a system that has been designed to infiltrate and destroy the values, virtue and morality of America.

Iserbyt further explains: "Common Unity...common unity, that's what they call it, it has no room for the individual."

One of the most eye opening and interesting nine minutes of real education that you will soon spend. Are you smarter than a fifth grader? After seeing and hearing what this woman has to say and after grasping the methodology that she is revealing, perhaps you will understand why America is failing miserably and our children are becoming a society of assimilated zombies. Perhaps you will understand why we have raised two generations of those who replicate an regurgitate the thoughts that they are told is approved thinking.

What this woman describes is nothing less than the systematic propagandizing and subversion of America on a systemic level. And this infiltration has been underway in America for generations. Is there any wonder why our children of the past two generations have grown up hating their country? Is it any wonder why apologists and global charismatics like Barack Obama have succeeded in duping the masses in America?

Those of us in the wilderness who have been trying to sound the warning know all too well the applications and methodologies of those that seek to destroy this nation. Beginning with the application of Hitler's "Big Lie" principal, and proceeding forth through the practical applications of methodology via the practiced mechanisms pf Bloom's taxonomy and the teachings of Saul Alinsky (the 12 rules for radicals) and the other well known radical Marxist of the twentieth century.

Consider and ponder.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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Blogger Prime said...

Thanks for picking this up and getting the word out chuck. Americans need to see and hear what they have been subjected to and what their children are being subjected to and who is involved.

11:22 AM  
Blogger XtnYoda said...

And thank you for the find and the excellent post!

1:10 PM  

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