Monday, January 11, 2010

The Swine Flu, H1N1, was a corrupt money making hoax, with our current administration leading in the corrupt dis-information, panic manipulation, all for the profit of the drug companies...

... with many common citizens crying foul all along.

I'll be waiting for an apology from the White House, Congress, the WHO...

... but I won't be holding my breath as I wait for my tax refund for being forced to pay for this hoax and fraud.

Swine flu HOAX!
H1N1 Flu Is a False Pandemic, Health Expert Claims

Monday, January 11, 2010

A leading health expert said the swine flu scare was a "false pandemic" led by drug companies that stood to make billions from vaccines, The Sun reported Monday.

Wolfgang Wodarg, head of health at the Council of Europe, claimed major firms organized a "campaign of panic" to put pressure on the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a pandemic.

He believes it is "one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century," and he has called for an inquiry.... Wodarg said, "It's just a normal kind of flu. It does not cause a tenth of deaths caused by the classic seasonal flu.

"The great campaign of panic we have seen provided a golden opportunity for representatives from labs who knew they would hit the jackpot in the case of a pandemic being declared.

"We want to clarify everything that brought about this massive operation of disinformation. We want to know who made decisions, on the basis of what evidence, and precisely how the influence of the pharmaceutical industry came to bear on the decision-making."

He added: "A group of people in the WHO is associated very closely with the pharmaceutical industry".... Wodarg also raised concerns about swine flu vaccines..."The vaccines were developed too quickly. Some ingredients were insufficiently tested," he said.

"But there is worse to come. The vaccine developed by Novartis was produced in a bioreactor from cancerous cells, a technique that had never been used until now.

"This was not necessary. It has also led to a considerable mismanagement of public money.

"The time has come at last for us to make demands on governments. The purpose of the inquiry is to prevent more false alarms of this type in the future."

"We must make sure people can rely on the analysis and the expertise of national and international public institutions. The latter are now discredited, because millions of people have been vaccinated with products with inherent possible health risks."

Sleep well, our government is in control, and wants more control of our health-care.

Culture of Corruption.

xtnyoda, shalomed



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