Sunday, January 10, 2010

It was Ted High-5ing terrorists a couple of days ago... today it's George Will defending... AND AGREEING WITH HARRY REID'S RACIST COMMENTS!

I've really tried to stay off this topic... but this is too much!!! George has lost his mind... this defense is abject insanity!

Here it is from the video in print:

H/T Hot Air Pundit
Liz Cheney: But, you know, can I just point out that I think one of the things that makes the American people frustrated is when they see time and time again liberals excusing racism from other liberals. And I think that, you know, clearly, Senator Reid's comments were outrageous. And the notion that they're being excused...I don't think racism is OK, George, whether you're saying it in private or in public. And the excuse of it by liberals, you know, is -- is really inexcusable.

Will: I don't think there's a scintilla of racism in what Harry Reid said. At long last, Harry Reid has said something that no one can disagree with, and he gets in trouble for it.

Cheney: George, give me a break. I mean, talking about the color of the president's skin...

Will: Did he get it wrong? Did he say anything false?

Cheney: these are clearly racist comments, George.

Will: Oh, my, no.

So.... move George over into the category of those the MSM wanted us to think were conservative reporters... that were really liberals in disguise.

WOW... there is a lot of smoke in DC and it is flushing out a lot of rats.

xtnyoda, shalomed



Blogger Prime said...

George Will lost me a long time ago. He is just another media apologist that likes to be looked upon as some form of conservative analyst by the MSM. He isn't.

Bill Kyrstol did the exact same thing yesterday as it concerns defending Obama and turn the blind eye to Reid's remarks. None of these people have any credibility with me any more. They are the disease that infects American thinking IMO.

5:53 AM  

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