Saturday, January 09, 2010

Remembering the Greenhouse...

... and remembering what makes the greenhouse so... green... SURPRISE!!!... IT'S Carbon Dioxide!!!

And... to a few scientist's credit... they are starting to learn what we were taught in 7th grade life science courses back when slivers of truth were still taught in our school's science departments... instead of PC science freak-tank convolutions...

Here is a fun read about an environmentalist oriented scientist that actually has a brain... and uses it for the sake of reality instead of a make-believe fairy tale world that is in reality a world controlled by power-hungry politicians and money grubbing mercenaries that hunger for even the dust in your hair...

National Review, "Full Comment"
Not so many years ago, schoolchildren were taught that carbon dioxide is the naturally occurring lifeblood of plants, just as oxygen is ours. Today, children are more likely to think of carbon dioxide as a poison. That’s because the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased substantially over the past 100 years, from about 280 parts per million to 380.

But what people don’t know, say the scientists at Intellectual Ventures labs in Bellevue, Wash., is that the carbon dioxide level some 80 million years ago — back when our mammalian ancestors were evolving — was at least 1,000 parts per million. In fact, that is the concentration of carbon dioxide you regularly breathe if you work in a new energy-efficient office building, for that is the level established by the engineering group that sets standards for heating and ventilation systems.

So not only is carbon dioxide plainly not poisonous, but changes in carbon dioxide levels don’t necessarily mirror human activity. Nor does atmospheric carbon dioxide necessarily warm the earth: Ice-cap evidence shows that over the past several hundred thousand years, carbon dioxide levels have risen after a rise in temperature, not the other way around.....

....Caldeira mentions a study he undertook that considered the impact of higher carbon dioxide levels on plant life. While plants get their water from the soil, they get their food — carbon dioxide, that is — from the air. An increase in carbon dioxide means that plants require less water to grow.

Caldeira’s study showed that doubling the amount of carbon dioxide while holding steady all other inputs— water, nutrients and so forth— yields a 70% increase in plant growth, an obvious boon to agricultural productivity.

“That’s why most commercial hydroponic green houses have supplemental carbon dioxide,” a colleague says. “And they typically run at 1,400 parts per million.”

And why wouldn't school children think of CO2 as a poison when our esteemed EPA has ruled it a pollutant just this past month?

Next time you drive by your local greenhouse... just think of the added CO2 in there... and look at how wonderfully healthy and thriving the plants are... then you will understand why those same plants after six months in your yard don't look nearly so delightful.

If the environmentalists have their way... after six months in your yard those plants will look like... those pictures of children starving of malnutrition.

Consider and ponder.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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