Thursday, September 17, 2009

I received a good question from a Xtn brother today and thought you might be interested in the question.

I've added my answer at the bottom... if anyone has more and better... let me know?

I heard once……”when you have sin in your life, it means that you are in need of a closer walk with God”…….but as much as one tries…….isn’t it impossible to be without sin, even if you follow all the laws and moral codes of being a Christian, we fail… we are always in a state of needing a closer walk with Him!

We deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us if we think we don’t have sin in our lives as noted below in 1 John. That answers that question sin drives us away from God, and we will have sin in our lives as noted in 1 John……….so. How do we react when sin does creep into our lives? Do we count on grace, accept the consequences of sin, and repent and try harder not to sin the next time?

I have always wanted to ask my pastor this question! Maybe I am rambling….have a good day….

Great question... not that I've got it down pat personally!

I've felt for years that the real victory over temptation is not to be found in our simply "resisting" temptation... I mean that hasn't really worked for anybody for about... well.... since the Adam and Eve thing in the garden!

Where I am today is that I think our greatest efforts should be directed in the one area that YahShua points us toward... and that is developing the character of Christ into our lives. The more we become in character like Christ I would think the less we will surrender to temptation.

In Matthew 11, YahShua tells us to take his yoke upon ourselves... in other words... to become like him... "For I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls."

Every time I fail... should give me more determination to work on becoming as our Messiah... so I try to use failure as a motivation to grow in Christ... to become as Christ... instead of sitting around and bemoaning my indiscretion.

Keep short accounts with God, repent quickly, then get on with learning humility and gentleness. That's my thought.

God Bless,

xtnyoda, shalomed


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