Friday, April 05, 2013

Trusting again

 Losing a child to death brings a myriad of emotions ...
.all complicated ... all different ... all difficult.
Silent Grief  speaks today about ... trusting again ....
 Life feels so unbalanced, unstable, fragile, and broken following the loss of a child. We seem to doubt everything anyone says -- trusting is a big issue. "The doctor said everything was going to be okay but my child died." "God promises that He will send angels to guard and protect us. Where were my chid's angel?" "My child said he'd never drink and drive, but he did." "I prayed for God to keep my child safe and look what happened." And, on and on it goes. It takes a LONG time following child loss to begin to place trust in anything and anyone again. When a heart has been so heavily crushed and is feeling so much pain, it's hard to believe that anything in life is going to okay again. Learning to trust again is a slow, difficult part of grieving the loss of a child that very few people ever talk about -- yet it is one of the biggest issues bereaved parents face every single day of their lives! May God bless each person grieving the loss of a child with a bit of trust today -- enough to bring a bit of peace!
 Father, Yahweh, I pray today for Silent Grief, and all who have lost a child. or a grandchild.  I pray that You will hold them as close to Your heart as You hold the child they love and lost.
 Father, bless them today.

xtnyoda, shalomed



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