are witnessing and participants in the first genuine "World Wide War."
It is a war of ideas and religion more than a war of weapons and
technology, though weapons and technology are some of the tools of this
If you will, we are in an epic clash of cultures. Culture is defined by the laws written and the religious foundation of those laws. Anyone that does not recognize that the general laws
of the 'western' world have been founded on the Christian bible, New
Testament specifically, simply doesn't understand the forming of a
'culture.' There are forces at work in the United States to redefine 'culture'
from both the outside and probably more profoundly, from the inside, as
well as in Europe.
We are experiencing what historians will define as a 'great
awakening' a hundred years from now. The awakening will be when the
Church realizes that she will be a slave to no man nor government.
Unfortunately, the social outcome of the working of an 'awakening' is
always a war. While one is in the middle of an awakening it seems like
the worst of times. Again, it is historians that look back and
determine when an awakening happened, in the middle of an awakening it
seems like anything other than a spiritual experience.
I hope a thought provoking read. One of my favorite lines is from the Princess Bride movie when the Dread Pirate Roberts is asked, "Who are you?" His response is the response I share with you, "No one of consequence."
As responding on Brutally Honest