Tuesday, November 16, 2010

OK... this kind of... logic... is... illogical.

Please notice in the... report... the number of times the words could, may, and possible are used. I could say that a meteor may impact the earth in 30 years. Would you give me a couple of million dollars of your money then to try and find out if a meteor might actually strike the earth since I have said that one might strike the earth?

If so... you may be as goofy as this report.

Where do these guy come from?

Reuters News Desk

Colder winters possible due to climate change-study

* Colder winters possible in northern regions

* Shrinking sea ice causes airstream anomalies

* Finding does not conflict with global warming

BERLIN, Nov 16 (Reuters) - Climate change could lead to colder winters in northern regions, according to a study by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research on Tuesday.

Vladimir Petoukhov, lead author of the study, said a shrinking of sea ice in the eastern Arctic causes some regional warming of lower air levels and may lead to anomalies in atmospheric airstreams, triggering an overall cooling of the northern continents.

"These anomalies could triple the probability of cold winter extremes in Europe and northern Asia," he said. "Recent severe winters like last year's or the one of 2005/06 do not conflict with the global warming picture but rather supplement it."

Petoukhov, whose study is entitled "A link between reduced Barents-Kara sea ice and cold winter extremes over northern continents", said in a statement a warming of the air over the Barents-Kara Sea appeared to bring cold winter winds to Europe.

"This is not what one would expect," Petoukhov said. "Whoever thinks that the shrinking of some far away sea ice won't bother him could be wrong."

The U.N. panel of climate scientists say a creeping rise in global temperatures will bring ever more floods, droughts, heat waves and rising sea levels.

Now... all the while... the sea ice is actually growing very quickly in both our poles... and the South Pole is growing at a sobering rate.

Again, Northern Hemisphere, prepare for a very cold winter.

And... it will not be global warming causing it... rather Yahweh is making the climate change controllers (alarmists) to be seen for what they really are... man and not God. Only God can control the climate of this or any planet.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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