Day 54
Fear and Serving
One more word about the necessity of fearing the Name, Yahweh.
Deuteronomy 28:58-59
"If you are not careful to obey all the words of this law, which are written in this scroll, by fearing this glorious and awesome name-Yahweh, your God- He will bring extraordinary plagues on you and your descendants..."
(Holman Christian Standard Bible)
Many will resist the reality of the following statement... yet the truth of the statement is inescapable from a Biblical standpoint... we serve the one we fear most.
Consider this question from Yahweh in Isaiah 57:11:
"Who was it you dreaded and feared, so that you lied and didn't remember Me or take it to heart?"
(Holman Christian Standard Bible)
We must understand this... that person, thing, group or pressure that we fear becomes our god. We have often heard the term Peer Pressure, when the reality is actually what I call Fear Pressure. Who, what... do you fear? That is who you will serve.
Yahweh knows this... reveals this... desires that we fear nothing except Himself... for He will not use us... rather... He would free us from the fear of users.
xtnyoda, shalomed
Labels: God's name, Yahweh
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