Friday, April 02, 2010

xtnyoda has been ridiculed on this point more than once... but xtnyoda thinks too many people are far too near sighted when it come to our history and our future direction... in other words... far too many people are so consumed with the moment that they can't see the consequence.

It was very gratifying to find Mr. Fran Gaffney's overview of the consequence of the reality of the day in which we live... and the challenge that faces... if not us... our children and grandchildren.

Following is just a snippet from the video. I encourage you to either watch the video or follow the link that gives the text of the video... and listen/read very carefully... if you care about tomorrow.

Right Side News
So let me offer this as a starting point: I think the best way to describe the ideology that constitutes, today, the most serious totalitarian threat to freedom in the world is the term that its adherents use themselves - Shariah. By that term, they mean not simply Shariah law, which is the way it is often discussed, particularly by non-Muslims. To be sure, there are many aspects of it that involve law, but it actually is much more comprehensive, in terms of its character, and certainly, its application.

It governs every aspect of life, from how an individual prays, how often they pray, in which direction they pray, what they wash before they pray, what they don't wash, what they say when they pray, up to how they interact with family members, particularly their wives, their daughters, how they interface with their neighbors, their business associates, all the way up to how - literally, how the world is to be governed.

And according to Shariah, how the world is to be governed is, under a global theocracy - a program that most Muslims, which are of the Sunni sect, call the Caliphate. And to the extent that Shariah not only sets that as the goal, but dictates that it is the obligation of all adherent Muslims to bring it about - how? Through jihad - we come to where this particular ideology constitutes a mortal threat to those of us in the West, including those of us here in the United States....

Consider and ponder.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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