Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yesterday xtnyoda smelled a rat concerning the article about larger food serving portions based on centuries old pictures of the Last Supper.

The Borg Conspiracy responded with some very helpful insight that xtnyoda doesn't want our readers to miss... so... I am going to add his comments here to make sure they are not lost in the comments section... too important for that.
Locutisprime said...

It's not so much a calorie counter coming our way soon, as it is a means to tax people for their fat.

And that will begin at the entry level of all foods and ultimately on the scale in the doctor's office. And all points in between.

What greater piece of virgin territory to tax than to tax the fat and obese millions in America. And I am more than sure that our friends at the UN will be more than interested in getting their fare share of the bounty to be reaped by taxing the fat and opulent Americans.

Meanwhile, the obesity reality in America is more tied to what we eat and have been eating over the past forty years in this country than anything else.

When trying to solve a crime, you have to go back to the scene of the crime. And the scene of the crime? Was when we allowed the substitution of alternative sugars and enhanced preservatives and flavorings and genetically modified vegetables and animals into our foods.

We were literally begging for the consequences we now see as a consequence of processed foods.

The money to be made is in getting and keeping Americans fat and I am afraid they have accomplished their goals through the use of chemicals and sugars.

And now their goals are to sell us the medications that will stave off or placate the resulting diseases of heart disease and diabetes that are the consequences of our own sloth.

Consider and ponder.

xtnyoda, shalomed



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