Thursday, March 11, 2010

Seriously... just about the time one would think it can't get any crazier... the progressives take a quantum leap forward in their attempts to disregard and in effect overcome the guarantees of the United States Constitution.

House Rules Chairwoman, Louise Slaughter, is openly preparing a way to "pass" the "health-care" takeover by the federal government... without even an actual vote on the floor of the House Of Representatives to be taken.

Sound ridiculous? No... it's worse than ridiculous... it's tyrannical.

Brutally Honest

"There is tyranny afoot and it must be confronted"

Steve Schippert of ThreatsWatch averts his gaze from the external to the internal:

....And, to put it plainly, there is tyranny afoot and it must be confronted and defeated with confidence, determination and passion. The confrontation is not about health care or any other piece of legislation. It is not about politicians, politics or parties.

The confrontation is about process. The confrontation is about fidelity to the Constitution.

House Rules Chairwoman Louise Slaughter says she is "prepping to help usher the healthcare overhaul through the House and potentially avoid a direct vote on the Senate overhaul bill." She continued, explaining how House passage of a separate bill containing "changes" to the Senate version would lead House leadership to "deem" the actual Senate HealthCare Bill passed - without a direct vote.

This is not simply tyrannical in nature, it is absolute political cowardice.....

Follow the links.

Connect the dots.

Consider and ponder.

xtnyoda, shalomed

UPDATE: Time Online has some more information on this.

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