Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I heard the other day an interview with a former White House aide.

He was asked what it was like going to work in the White House every day, did he ever get accustomed to it... like it was just another job?

His response stirred my heart.

He said something like,
"No, never another job! Every time I walked through those doors and into the White House I couldn't help but think of the sacrifice and lives that were lost to pave the way for us to have this great country, the greatest ever in human history. I was always humbled to think that I now have a chance to work for the good of that same country in ways that will have direct impacts on generations to come!"

It got me to thinking how much my and our attitudes should be the same about serving in God's Kingdom.... what an honor we have to serve our Savior and King... and the sacrifice He paid to make it possible... not to mention how precious it is for us to work with the youngsters coming up in this fellowship and the impact that we will have on future generations for the glory of God's name and His Kingdom.

It is not labor when it is an honor.... and honor is never mundane.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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Blogger Prime said...

Points well made Chuck

6:17 AM  

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