Friday, December 18, 2009

Turn out the lights... the party's over....

Here is a very telling and informative article about the costs of "climate control" at The American Thinker... and a great big H/T to Pastor Michael for the heads-up!

Then I love the little side note about the conclusion to the "summit" as the Premier of China gives his last official nose snub to the whole debacle called COP 15, at the close of the following quote.

Yahoo news report
COPENHAGEN – A diplomatic frenzy enveloped the final day of the U.N. climate conference Friday, with President Barack Obama meeting privately with China's premier as world leaders pressed to salvage a global warming accord amid deep divisions between rich and poor nations.

But neither Obama nor Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao offered any new commitments to cut the greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming as they addressed the U.N. climate conference in Copenhagen. And Wen skipped a high-level meeting of 20 nations, sending an envoy instead...

xtnyoda, shalomed

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