Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The spirit of the Antichrist is moving powerfully in the world today.
1John 2:18 "Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour."
(English Standard Version)

John spoke of the reality 2,000 years ago... the spirit of the Antichrist has always been among us... and... yet... it is this day... that Yahweh has given to we believers in which to live... that the spirit of Antichrist has risen to his greatest power... ever.

It is the spirit of Antichrist that is superseding over the summit in Copenhagen.... 192 nations attempting to forge a global alliance of control over all the nations of the earth and their economies and industries... and transfer the industrial nation's wealth to dictators and terrorists who have abused and enslaved their own peoples...

It is the spirit of Antichrist that is attempting to control and govern the "health-care" of the nation of America... and all nations... desiring to grant abortion, deem the day of one's death, subsidize perversion... and this evil only gained by forcing righteous Americans to endorse and pay...

It is the spirit of Antichrist that has invented and pushes the "Cap-and-Trade" scheme.... in an overt effort to stifle the energy and industry efforts that have been a blessing to humanity... to instead fill to overflowing the coffers of the liars that are framing the myth... to force the nations of the world to buy, implement, and give them control of the world's economy.

It is the spirit of Antichrist that has lulled the world into a culture of debt... with promises of lavish pleasure and ease... to "buy now and pay later" to bring the world and the Church to her financial knees... and in so doing has wrought devastation to the family overburdened with servitude to the lenders of the world...

It is the spirit of Antichrist that controls the "Main Stream Media" as his most prodigious propaganda tool and attack weapon against truth...

The main point being... it is not about a man... any man... or any group of people...

It is the spirit of Antichrist that is on center stage in full view... for those who have eyes to see... and ears to hear...

If... you have never been a believer in "God"... then friend... open your eyes... and believe... there is one at work in the world today... to bring you under his dominion...


He is clearly seen.

xtnyoda, shalomed



Blogger jhthompson said...

great post.......this confirms some of the sadness in my heart about the state of the world.....come quickly Jesus!!!!

4:11 PM  

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