Monday, November 21, 2011

Australian government carbon madness

Australia is going totally Orwellian.

THE whitewash begins. Now that the carbon tax has passed through federal parliament, the government's clean-up brigade is getting into the swing by trying to erase any dissent against the jobs-destroying legislation.

On cue comes the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, which this week issued warnings to businesses that they will face whopping fines of up to $1.1m if they blame the carbon tax for price rises.

It says it has been "directed by the Australian government to undertake a compliance and enforcement role in relation to claims made about the impact of a carbon price."

Businesses are not even allowed to throw special carbon tax sales promotions before the tax arrives on July 1.

"Beat the Carbon Tax - Buy Now" or "Buy now before the carbon tax bites" are sales pitches that are verboten. Or at least, as the ACCC puts it, "you should be very cautious about making these types of claims".

There will be 23 carbon cops roaming the streets doing snap audits of businesses that "choose to link your price increases to a carbon price".......
Seriously, can you think of anything more ... governmentally wicked? To levy a tax ... then tell a business that they do not have the right to inform their customers that their price increases are due to the government's added tax ... under threat of massive fines if they dare announce the obvious.

George's "1984" was just a little premature.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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