Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"The theology behind it all is really beautiful."

I'm quite familiar with this church. (says Rick.)

Over at Brutally Honest Rick has this timely post and the story behind the Nativity.

The still of the night is briefly broken when you see the handmade nativity in front of St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in York County.

More than 15 church members had a hand in building the religious scene, which features special backlighting to draw intrigue and drama to the meaning of the moment.

Muralist Marcy Avery, who has an art degree from Virginia Tech, designed the nativity. The life-size figures are part of a 21-foot-long scene with a stable that is 8 feet high and 15 feet long. The thatched stable roof is made from straw and ornamental grasses.

"Father Mike Joly wanted the figures painted black and the scene backlit," she says.

"Once I saw the scene lit up, I understood.

"Father Mike, because he's blind, sees things in his heart differently than we see with our eyes. He wanted the figures painted black to represent our own darkness, and the backlighting to represent the light of Christ piercing through our own spiritual night.

"The theology behind it all is really beautiful."

Thanks Rick!

Everyone have a blessed Christmas weekend.

xtnyoda, shalomed



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