Monday, December 13, 2010

The Chaplain's Corner

Guest blogger, Chaplain Paul, is one of the most effective chaplains in America today. He is an emergency responder to every situation.

Hey, this is the Chaplain again.

This week I want to share with you some words from a great web site: Jesus Is The Gift (you may want to check it out).
Have you ever received a gift that amazed you because it showed just how well the person (or persons) giving it understood you, how much they cared? Perhaps it was from a parent, a spouse or cherished friend - someone well-rooted in your "love and support" circles. Or, perhaps it was from someone who surprised you - someone who didn't have to make the effort.

As they presented the gift, their sincere manner, maybe even more than the outward appearance of the package, helped you realize how much thoughtful planning and work had taken place on your behalf. Perhaps it was at Christmastime; perhaps not. Maybe they said it was simply a case of: "I saw this and knew you had to have it."
The exchange of a gift - this very traditional means of expressing affection - presents us with a picture of receiving the spiritual gift of Christ Jesus. If you have never received the Gift of Jesus and would like to know more about how to begin your relationship with Him, please visit one of the following ministries for more information and next steps. His redeeming love is the most important gift you can ever receive.

From pastor and author Rick Warren... The Invitation

From world renowned preacher and evangelist Billy Graham... Steps to Peace

And I always encourage you to talk with your pastor. And while we're talking about praying - I really appreciate those of you who pray for this ministry.

Some great testimonies from some famous people can be found at: I Am Second Check it out.

Our suggested web site for the month is: Discovery House Helpful resources to pick you up, give you sound advice, offer you practical tools, and help you find hope in God when
life hits you hard. These books are also great gifts.



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