Monday, October 11, 2010

One of the most disturbing statements in the following article is that military students were afraid to report the radical ranting of this mad man for fear of being charged with... discrimination against a Muslim.

Wall Street Journal
Witnesses to Recall Fort Hood Attack at Hearing

FORT HOOD, Texas—Army Maj. Nidal Hasan will come face to face Tuesday with dozens of people he is accused of attacking in last year's shooting rampage at Fort Hood.

.... Maj. Hasan, 40 years old, is charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder. When the proceeding begins, he will be sitting just a few feet from the witnesses, who are expected to describe graphic details of the attack.

... As soldiers waited in various lines, a man suddenly jumped up on a desk, shouted "Allahu Akbar!"—Arabic for "God is great!"—and started firing two guns, witnesses said.... To grief-stricken families who had feared losing their loved ones on a foreign battlefield, this was unimaginable....

... In the wake of the rampage, a disturbing picture of Maj. Hasan began to emerge. The American-born Muslim was trying to get out of his pending deployment because he opposed the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He recently had been saying goodbye to friends and neighbors, and had given away his Quran and other belongings.

But there had been warning signs much earlier. Some fellow students in a graduate military medical program complained to the faculty about Maj. Hasan after he reportedly gave a presentation that justified suicide bombings and said the war on terror was a war against Islam.

But no one filed a formal complaint, out of fear that doing so would appear discriminatory toward a Muslim student.

After the shootings, government investigations uncovered critical security lapses. A local terrorism task force run by the FBI had learned months earlier of Maj. Hasan's email contacts with Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical Muslim cleric in Yemen who encouraged Muslims to kill U.S. troops, but the information was not adequately shared with the Pentagon....

According to government documents obtained by the Associated Press, Maj. Hasan's supervisors sanitized his performance appraisals during his residency at Walter Reed, even though he was described as a loner with lazy work habits and a fixation on his Muslim religion....

Prosecutors haven't said whether they would seek the death penalty if the judge determine there is enough evidence for a court-martial.....

May these witnesses at this trial have jaws of steel and eyes of stone.

May the death penalty be sought, won, and executed without prejudice.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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