Monday, August 16, 2010

Here is some really great news for parents... if your child is in a regular sexual relationship with another child it will not affect their grades one way or the other... and it is of course much better than them just sleeping around with just... whoever...

... now... how utterly... ridiculous... can one accomplish becoming?

Daily Caller
Teen sex not bad for school performance

There’s good news for parents who worry that their teenagers’ sex lives are affecting their school performance: A provocative new study has found that teens in committed relationships do no better or worse in school than those who don’t have sex.

The same isn’t true for teens who “hook up.” Researchers found that those who have casual flings get lower grades and have more school-related problems compared with those who abstain.

The findings, presented Sunday at a meeting of the American Sociological Association in Atlanta, challenge to some extent assumptions that sexually active teens tend to do poorer in school.

It’s not so much whether a teen has sex that determines academic success, the researchers say, but the type of sexual relationship they’re engaged in. Teens in serious relationships may find social and emotional support in their sex partners, reducing their anxiety and stress levels in life and in school.

“This should give some comfort to parents who may be concerned that their teenage son or daughter is dating,” said sociologist Peggy Giordano of Bowling Green State University, who had no role in the research. Teen sex is “not going to derail their educational trajectories,” she said.....

.... The study dispels the notion that all teen sex is bad, said Marie Harvey, professor of public health at Oregon State University.

“The type of relationship really matters. When it comes to sexual behavior, it takes two to tango,” said Harvey, adding that safe sex should be practiced to prevent teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

And.... this is supposed to "give some comfort" to parents? This is "good news" for parents?

This report makes absolutely no effort to study the long term, negative effects on teens that engage in sexual activity before marriage. It fosters the idea that premarital sex is actually quite normal... and though it might be normal for some... it is not without it's consequences long term.

The only caution is for teens engaging in "casual sex".... and that only in that it might have some negative impact on their school grades?

Then Professor Harvey majestically states that it's “The type of relationship really matters..." with her concluding and obliged caution for teens to practice "safe sex" to prevent teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases?

"The study dispels the notion that all teen sex is bad" Really Professor Harvey?

This report is presented as... scientific?

This is pure... unadulterated... madness.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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Anonymous Cammie Novara said...

"A provocative new study has found that teens in committed relationships do no better or worse in school than those who don’t have sex." I really have to let my Facebook group know about that! There's a really animated debate that I thought would be of interest on evolution vs. intelligent design going on at

2:13 PM  

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