Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Come on gang... good grief, wise up! This from MSNBC is the next game they are playing... it's a ruse... there's no true questioning from this reporter... just attempting to trick conservatives into THINKING that the president has done something that progressives are upset about... attempting to make it appear he is moving toward the middle.

It's a flank move... attempting to get conservatives to think the president is... reachable.

Don't for one second think it. This is deeply vetted and scripted by a progressive machine... and the president is only the front man.

We are in a war of ideologies... it is not about personalities.

News Busters
MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Rants Over Drilling: Is President Obama 'Nothing More Than a Democrat in Name Only?'

According to MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan, Barack Obama is nothing more than a shill for the Republican Party. The liberal anchor on Wednesday railed against the President's plan to allow limited offshore oil drilling: "This is a fraud...Is a pattern emerging? Is President Obama nothing more than a Democrat in name only? Dare we say it? A DINO?"....

Anyone who thinks that this might be a crack in the door... has a gap in their comprehension of the true enemy we face.

This is like the story of the wounded devil pleading for mercy from the traveling preacher... convincing the preacher that he is really the one that keeps the preacher in a job by causing people to need a preacher... so the preacher nourishes the devil back to health and sends him on his way.

Don't for a second fall for these shenanigans.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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