Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Chaplain's Corner

Guest blogger, Chaplain Paul, is one of the most effective chaplains in America today. He is an emergency responder to every situation.

Hey, this is the Chaplain again.

It had been one of those very long, very tiring days. It was about 1 am when I finally left the Emergency Room and headed home. As I left the parking lot I noticed there was a full moon in the sky. I thought how nice it was to see that big bright moon, and how it seemed to lift my spirits to see it shining up there in the night.

Then I remembered; the moon was not really shining, it was just reflecting the light of the sun that was now out of sight. That got me to thinking; I need to be more ‘moon-like’, reflecting the light of the Son, Jesus Christ. Just as the moon has no real light of its own, the only way I can truly shine is to reflect His goodness and glory. 2 Corinthians 3:18 says,
“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”
I thought about how a mirror reflects light. The cleaner the mirror, the more light it can reflect. As I drove home I prayed,
“Lord, please let me reflect You to those around me. And keep me clean so that Your reflection will be bright.”

Say, how’s your reflection? Do others see Jesus in you? Does your mirror need cleaning?

Cross and Shield Ministries



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