Friday, January 01, 2010

Speaking of ruling by a culture of crisis... how about Washington taking a look at a genuine crisis that has more real potential to damage this nation than all the contrived global crisis' the administration is touting...

... and the sick irony is that this administration is the very ones that are pushing and creating our real crisis.

USA Today
U.S. in fiscal peril with $12.1 trillion debt... DEBT CEILING HEADS HIGHER

The nation's debt limit -- the amount it is permitted to borrow -- has nearly doubled since 2002. Congress is on the verge of passing a $290 billion increase, enough for just the next couple of months.
Date....... Debt limit
June 2002 $6.4 trillion
May 2003 $7.4 trillion
November 2004 $8.2 trillion
March 2006 $9 trillion
September 2007 $9.8 trillion
July 2008 $10.6 trillion
October 2008 $11.3 trillion
February 2009 $12.1 trillion

WASHINGTON — After $787 billion in stimulus spending and $700 billion in bank bailouts, 2010 is fast shaping up to be the year of the federal budget diet.

Bipartisan support is growing in Congress for action to stabilize the nation's bulging debt, which is now $12.1 trillion....

....The public debt is the amount owed to individual investors, including foreign countries, but excluding money the government owes to its own trust funds. It has soared from $5.8 trillion to $7.6 trillion this year alone — and is more than half the size of the nation's economy for the first time since 1956.

Without action to reduce that unprecedented rise in red ink, lawmakers and experts say, Washington risks a fiscal crisis.... "This is a defining moment for this chamber, for this Congress, for this administration," said Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., who came to Washington in 1986 when the deficit and debt were one-sixth their current size. "It is imperative that we find a way to deal with this debt threat."

....Greenspan... added his authoritative voice to the cause last week... "The challenge to contain this threat is more urgent than at any time in our history... Our nation has never before had to confront so formidable a fiscal crisis as is now visible just over the horizon.".....

The only real question remaining is... is congress and the white house just... ignorant... or are they doing this on purpose? And if they are doing this on purpose... why?

Friends... this is spawning our 3rd Great Awakening... which we are in the middle of. The Church is waking up and is going to eventually say... we will no longer be slaves to the world system of debt believing.

The Church is going to shake herself... free herself... and it will heal our land.

Consider and ponder.

xtnyoda, shalomed

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