Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ms. Janet Whats-her-name (Napolitano) over at Homeland Security is reaching into some rather... wild and kooky sites to use for creating the official "profiling" of "Right Wing Extremists."

You know... for the liberal/amendment rights crowd... to scream so loud against "profiling" they are certainly loving to "profile" conservatives in every demeaning and threatening way possible.

I've been profiled... how about you... think you might be on a "profiled list?"


Maybe This Is Why She Thinks the "Man-Caused Disaster" Threat Comes from Canada?
[Andy McCarthy]

In the news once again is Janet Napolitano, our hapless Homeland Security Secretary who calls terrorist attacks "man-caused disasters" (it's a "nuance," says she, used to "move away from the politics of fear"); who's been quick to get those predator drones patrolling the northern border because she thinks the 9/11 hijackers came here from Canada; and who doesn't appear to understand the federal immigration laws she's in charge of enforcing.

Remember that moronic DHS threat assessment from a few months back? The one that warned America about a potential outbreak of "right-wing extremism": i.e., terrorism man-caused disasters stoked by believers in limited government, the right to life, and the Second Amendment — abetted by military veterans returning from fighting for the United States in Iraq and Afghanistan? The one the Obamedia has been trying somehow to vindicate? Well now we know where DHS got its information from.

At the Examiner, Mark Tapscott reports that, after a FOIA demand by a conservative group, DHS produced documents showing that it relied, among other things, on a crackpot website that, like Ban Ki Moon, regularly warns about impending doom, as well as a group from the lefty fringe that, like Nancy Pelosi, sees conservatives and thinks "nazis."

Upon receiving the FOIA disclosures, Americans for Limited Government (ALG) found that DHS "used a kook website to indict the American people in drafting the 'rightwing extremism' memo." That site was, which, the Examiner observes, "publishes apocalyptic warnings about the end of the world. According to material ALG obtained from DHS,... the federal department used at least 11 citations from the site." The report continues:

"Under Napolitano's watch, government officials who were supposed to be gathering real intelligence on domestic terror threats were instead surfing the web and reading whacky websites, all to create the public perception of 'rightwing extremism,'" [ALG chairman Bill] Wilson said.

The DHS report warned of allegedly impending domestic terrorist acts by gun owners, pro-life activists, people concerned about states rights, and returning U.S. military veterans. Wilson said the department prepared the report "without any intelligence sources, crime data, or actual evidence of planned attacks or any groups known to be planning attacks, or any groups with histories of perpetrating attacks that are currently conducting any types of operational recruitment, meeting, or planning attacks."

You can read a complete list of the web sites used by DHS here. Prominent among those is the site of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a far-left non-profit based in Mongtomery, Alabama, that for years has seen all kinds of Nazis and KKKers behind every bush in America, but especially those located south of Mason-Dixon Line...


Blogger Prime said...

Doing what the people let them get away with.

5:40 PM  
Blogger Prime said...

I thought I said "they are only doing what the people let them get away with."

5:40 PM  
Blogger Brian Gwatney said...

Washington is controled by Wall Street. It is should be obvious that the reason why our government does what it wants and ignors WE THE PEOPLE; becasue it is being controlled by outside sources and it is not us. Until we stand together and mandate an end to the corruption it will continue. "The only thing for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Edmund Burke So until we get off our duffs and hit our knees (in repentance and prayer) and the streets (stop watching tv and get informed and get off the COUCH), all will keep going as is. Otherwise we will get what we deserve.

7:06 AM  

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