Thursday, August 13, 2009

The entire media industry needs to take a lesson in reading the "Hand Writing On the Wall" thing.

UMMMM... you writers/producers/actors/directors etc.... let me interpret for you what this means...

America is fed up with you crap for entertainment... and I'm not just talking about poorly written stuff... I'm talking about your attempts to shove your morally bankrupt agenda down America's throat... stuff.

live feed

Summer of fail: Why are new shows bombing?

This summer is one for the record books: more than a dozen new programs launched on broadcast television and not one breakout hit, with returning shows down and ratings at an all-time low.

After a tough season for broadcasters, summer has been a huge disappointment.

"The sheer amount of waste is staggering," one broadcast executive said....

So long.

XtnYoda, shalomed


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