Friday, June 12, 2009

I asked a group of pastors what they thought Jesus would look like if he were to live on earth today.

I received this in my e-mail today that answers my question pretty well... better than I could.


I saw Jesus last week. He was wearing blue jeans and an old shirt. He was up at the building we call our church; He was alone and working hard. For just a minute he looked a little like one of the people who regularly attend our church. But it was Jesus, I could tell by his smile.

I saw Jesus last Sunday. He was teaching a Bible class. He didn't talk real loud or use long words. But you could tell he believed what he said. For just a minute, he looked like my Sunday School teacher. But it was Jesus, I could tell by his loving voice.

I saw Jesus yesterday. He was at the hospital visiting a friend who was sick. They prayed together quietly. For just a minute he looked like the guy I saw at the worship gathering last week. But it was Jesus, I could tell by the tears in his eyes.

I saw Jesus this morning. He was in my kitchen making my breakfast and fixing me a special lunch. For just a minute he looked like my wife. But it was Jesus, I could feel the love from his heart.

I saw Jesus this afternoon. He was cutting the grass in the community where I live. He was smiling and waving at everyone who was driving down our street. It made me feel special even if it was only for a moment. For a minute, I thought it was just another person we paid to keep our community clean. But it was Jesus. No one else has that much joy.

I saw Jesus tonight. He was sitting out in the street looking for someone to help him. For a minute he looked like just another homeless person. But it was Jesus. I could tell by the look of sincere suffering in his eyes.

I see Jesus everywhere. Taking food to the sick, welcoming others to his home, being friendly to a someone who needs love and for just a minute I think he's someone I know. But, it’s always Jesus. I can tell by the way He serves.

May someone see Jesus in you today!!!

(author unknown)…

Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us." Jesus answered, "Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work."—John 14:8-10 [TNIV]

I think there are times in all our lives when we hear the words of Jesus and have the same collective thought, "What on earth is He talking about?" I don’t think we’re alone. I wonder what the disciples were thinking when they heard Jesus teach. Did they have that same collective thought, "Now exactly where is He going with this one?"

In John 14, Jesus makes this astounding claim, "He who has seen me has seen the Father." In reality, Jesus is saying something quite profound. "This God that you worship, who is far off, has come near. In fact, nearer than you would have ever imagined. If you want to know what he is like, then watch me." In essence, Jesus was putting God on display.

If you want to know what God is like, watch Jesus. Do you want to see how God would love or show compassion, then watch how Jesus does it. To see Jesus is to see God in action. In Jesus, the invisible God is made visible.

Now this has profound ramifications for us. If Jesus was putting God on display and we are called to live as Jesus did, then in a truly mysterious way, we are also putting God on display for this world. This is what Jesus is inviting us to do as his followers – to put God on display for this world to see. At home. At work. At school. Wherever we go… in all that we do… the question remains: Are we putting God on display for this world to see?

If people were to watch us, would they gain a better sense of who God is?

What if in watching us and describing how we lived, people actually would be describing God without ever even knowing it? That would be truly amazing, would it not?

Perhaps it could even change the world

Thanks Allison!

XtnYoda, shalomed


Blogger jhthompson said...

I saw Jesus this morning......working as a mouthpiece for God, reading from His Word....and encouraging and pastoring God's children in our local community.

7:41 PM  

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