Tuesday, May 19, 2009

XtnYoda is working on a Christian men's ministry model.

Here is a Code of Conduct for Christian men that I have modeled after the American Military's Code of Conduct. If it is good enough that American soldiers should pledge their lives for their country and God, then it ought to be appropriate for Christian men to do the same for God, and our Savior/King YahShua.
Gideon’s CORE, Code of Conduct

I am a Man of God, called by God with a Divine mandate to advance and defend Christ’s Kingdom. I am prepared to give my life in its defense and advancement.

I will never turn away from Christ’s call on my life. I will never forsake Christ’s body on earth, His Church, nor Her members. So help me God.

I will never surrender myself to any besetting sin. I will make every effort to restore a Christian who has been defeated by sin. I will accept neither temptation nor pleasure from sin as a favor from my enemy. So help me God.

Should I fall into temptation, I will submit myself to our church’s servant leaders for the appropriate steps to reconcile my actions. I will not seek to justify my sinful actions, nor will I cast blame to any other. So help me God.

When accused about my former failures I will agree with my adversary quickly. However, I will not allow former failures to give me permission for future failure nor prevent me from future service. I am a Man of God, I have been washed in the blood of YahShua, and forgiven. So help me God.

I will never forget that I am a Man of God, fighting for the freedom in God’s Truth. I am responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the Truths of Scripture, which offers freedom to all humanity. I will trust in no other testament. So help me God.

I will strive to have the same purpose and heart for all humanity as my Lord and Savior, YahShua. So help me God.

For the Honor of His Name.

XtnYoda, shalomed


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