Friday, March 13, 2009


Mr. Caruba attended the recent Heartland Conference on Climate Change that we have been following this week in New York. This conference is sponsored by real scientists that are trying to get the word out that global warming alarmists are politically and monetarily motivated... and are damaging and abusing children and families all over the world... esp American families are targeted...

Facts not Fantasy

By Alan Caruba

Has it occurred to you that constantly telling children and teens that "global warming" is real and that the Earth is in deadly peril constitutes child abuse?

That thought came to me as I enjoyed some of the excellent seminars and speeches during the March 8-10 second annual Conference on Climate Change. Here were some of the nation’s leading climatologists and others spelling out in detail precisely why there is no global warming and, indeed, why the Earth is now into a decade-old cooling trend. The experts believe that the Earth will stay in this trend for easily another decade or two, maybe three.....

Requiring school children to watch, often many times, Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”, is part of the child abuse to which I refer. It is so filled with inaccuracies that a British court ruled that it could not be shown in schools without a laundry list of disclaimers and corrections being made by the teachers.

This is not to say that adults, too, aren’t subject to the same abuse as the children. However, it is about to become far worse if the Obama administration’s intention of imposing “cap and trade” regulations on CO2 emissions comes true. This carbon tax is anticipated to raise $646 billion for the federal government and we all know how careful it is when it comes to spending taxpayer’s money.

Speaking before the House Ways and Means Committee last year, Peter Orszag, formerly the Director of the Congressional Budget Office and now President Obama’s Director for the Office of Management and Budget, said that a “cap and trade” law to cut carbon emissions by 15% would cost the average household about $1,300 in higher energy costs. He added the working class families would be hardest hit.

Actually, the Obama gang wants to cut carbon emissions by more than three times the original figure, 83%. Using Orszag’s calculations, that means the average family will pay close to $4,000 a year or $333 a month. For nothing!

There is no scientific justification to cut carbon dioxide emissions. They play no role in global warming. At a time when CO2 emissions have risen, the Earth is still cooling and likely to do so for a long time to come.

This is a vicious tax to be imposed on Americans for the purpose of rendering them further impoverished in the midst of a financial crisis of worldwide proportions. And when you tax the parents, you tax the children too.

Thank you Mr. Caruba for attending the conference and sharing the truth about the damage to children and the ridiculous cost that our government wants to impose on hard working families.

God Bless you sir!

xtnyoda, shalomed


Blogger jhthompson said...

These jokers are all in cohorts on this subject.....imagine retrofitting every plant in the US? Think these plants would find a new home in another country without the cap? Yes!

10:58 AM  

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