Thursday, March 12, 2009


Many of us have been praying for the Third Great Awakening to arrive... and lo and behold we are finally in the midst of it.

Now... one might counter with, "Chuck, you are crazy! This is a desperate time and things are dark and frightening... how can you say that we are in the middle of a "Great Awakening?" I'm glad you asked.


Times were dark in Colonial America between 1730-1760. English troops were on our soil and England acted with impudence. Confiscating property at will and levying taxes at larger and larger proportions was the order of the day. Times were difficult under the heavy burden of British Imperialism.

The pulpits of Colonial America caught fire with the message of "Freedom in Christ" as a response to the subjugation pressures over the colonists. The Church awoke from her lethargy and slumber and caught the spiritual dynamic of the message... "We are free in Christ, we are free in Christ..." meditating the message deep into the moral fabric of their hearts.

And... what was the social outcome of that freedom refrain? Colonial Americans said, "We will no longer be slaves!"

We call it the Revolutionary War. The Declaration of Independence. The new United States of America.


The historical years of the second awakening... 1850-1870... a hundred years later. The United States was in a spiritual stupor of self reliance and prosperity. There were however, very troublesome clouds and thunders on the horizon. The moral conscience of a nation was being pricked by the heinous convictions of slavery.

Again... the pulpits of America were set ablaze with the familiar sweet sound of "Freedom in Christ"... liberty. The moral conscious of the Church was awakened from her slumber and spiritual stupor.

And... what was the social outcome of that freedom refrain? The United States of America said, "We will no longer own slaves!"

We call it "The Civil War."


We are now in the midst of that longed for and prayerfully sought for, awakening.

You might ask, "How say you! Do you not realize that we are in the worst of times?"

Friend, it is historians that look back and chronicle the days of Great Awakenings... and the souls that endure them seldom recognize nor realize the reality of the time in which they live.

Were one to ask that Colonial American, under the brutish hand of the Royal Monarch, if he was aware that he was living in the midst of a Great Awakening... that struggling American would respond, "You must be out of your mind, these are the worst of times!"

If one were likewise to ask that frightened citizen of Atlanta, Georgia, on May 6, 1864... with General Sherman's battalions starting their forced march against said city with canon blast and pealing trumpet swell... if he, the citizen of Atlanta, was aware that he was living in the middle of a national great awakening... the incredulous response would be, "Sir... I think you insane... these are the worst of times!"

Today, the Spiritual Message will be the same message of Freedom in Christ that will swell with clarion blast from the pulpits in our land. The enemy today is the same as in the past... the enemy of slavery. The Church today is shackled in these rough and bruising bonds. Slavery to the credit/debt lender.

The dear Church, God's People, have surrendered their soul to the credit master... and the crux has bore down on her head.

It is time for the pulpits of our land to be set ablaze again for the call to Freedom in Christ. What you say... the social outcome will be?

Why... war of course...

Yet this time the war will not be fought with sound of canon and musket blast... wailing trumpets nor slashing hoofs of stallion steed...

This war will be waged with pen in hand and determination in heart that says through set jaw and fixed resolve... "I will be no lender's credit slave... whether it be bank, government, or man."

These are exciting and thrilling days... for which I have long prayed.

xtnyoda, shalomed


Blogger jhthompson said...

Awesome post! I hope it comes

4:33 PM  

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