Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thought I would share a little thought on worship that is...well...a great deal of fun for me during cooperate worship times at church.

The writer of Hebrews quotes from Psalm 22:22 as follows:
Hebrews 2:12
I will proclaim Your name to My brothers;
I will sing hymns to You in the congregation.

A few years ago this really struck me about Jesus singing hymns to God in the congregation. Added to that, the great picture from verse three of the same said Psalm 22:
But You are holy,
enthroned on the praises of Israel.

So the worship picture I get is this:

As we worship together we in a sense build a throne for God and God inhabits, sits on the throne of our worship. we are worshiping God...Jesus joins us, the congregation, in worshiping God with us.

During our worship I enjoy visualizing this...looking out over the congregation and seeing Christ among the congregation worshiping with us as God is enthroned upon our praise. I've told our worship leader, that he needs to be keenly aware that as he leads the congregation in worship...he is also actually leading Jesus in worship as well.

A few years ago I was the chaplain for a year for a group called Master Singers, worship leaders, men and women from all over our state...some 150 dear worshipers. I got to bring a message at our annual retreat, and this was the message I brought. You are leading Christ in worship of God.

Thought I would share it. Might add a little spiritual spice to your worship encounters with God...whether your congregation is 20 or 20,000...Christ is there...worshiping with you.

xtnyoda shalomed



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