Hasan...A Ticking Time Bomb
The American Legion is sounding off on the Maj. Hasan travesty at Fr. Hood ... and revealing the clear and evident warning signs that Hasan was and is a nut case ... and should have been deported out of this nation or locked up long before his disgusting and cowardly act.
American Legion Burn Pit
“Although neither DoD nor the FBI had specific information concerning the time, place, or nature of the attack, they collectively had sufficient information to have detected Hasan’s radicalization to violent Islamist extremism but failed both to understand and to act all it. Our investigation found specific and systemic failures in the government’s handling of the Hasan case and raises additional concerns about what may be broader systemic issues.”
Unsurprisingly, there were a host of errors that were unveiled by this report from the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. The report was a bipartisan product led by Senator Lieberman of Connecticut, and my birth-state Senator Susan Collins of Maine. Apparently everyone just looked the other way to avoid a PC problem.
In sum, Hasan engaged in the following conduct in front of or as reported to his superiors within little more than one year:
• Making three off-topic presentations on violent Islamist extremist topics instead of medical subjects.
• Giving a class presentation perceived as so supportive of violent Islamist extremist conflict against the United States that it was almost immediately stopped by an instructor after classmates erupted in opposition to Hasan’s views.
• Justifying suicide bombings in class at least twice, according to the accounts of classmates.
• Suggesting in writing in his proposals lor presentations that some actions of Osama bin Laden may be justified.
• Telling several classmates that his religion took precedence over the U.S. Constitution he swore a military oath to support and defend.
• Stating three times in writing that Muslim-Americans in the military could be prone to fratricide.
Hat's off to the Legion for printing and taking this stand.
There is a backlash coming to the PC approach that is our government in this day.
xtnyoda, shalomed
Labels: military, politically correct, terrorism
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