Brian's Blast...
He's Right of Right!!!
"Congress Democrats Plot Against Constitution
Buckle your seat belts and hang on to your hat for what you are about to hear. This should send shock waves through every Americans home, community, state and the nation. Tyranny is here and the enemy is not half way around the world. It is obvious that the elite hate the Constitution and are trying anyway possible to do a end run around it."
Labels: Brian's Blast
Are you serious??? Analyzing a segment of Glenn Beck is like quoting from Wikipedia...Glenn Beck is garbage...for MANY reasons (too much to write in a single comment)
Well... it really wasn't Beck that interested me... he's nowhere else on my blog... it was what Chuck Schumer said about the constitution on the recording that got my interest.
Congress maintains the "right" to rewrite the rules of law to their own liking? That's what Schumer said.
Forget Beck on this one.
God Bless, and thanks for coming by... PS... I like your blog.
Lol...ok. I guess I was blinded by the Beck. Thanks for the blog complement. Yours is cool too. :-)
By the way OfficiallyMe... I saw on your blog where you have a great interest in the reality of "God."
You might enjoy seeing what I'm doing with a study on God's actual name, Yahweh, and the scriptural meaning that's carried in the name!
I'm having a blast leading the study. You can see the posts here...
God Bless,
Ok, I'll definitely check that out.
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