Saturday, March 20, 2010

April 15th is celebrated as "Tax Day" in America.

For most Americans the day carries with it some level of dread. This year April also carries with it the National Census, which for some carries a level of dread... especially this year.

With all the social/political issues that the next thirty days hold... "Health Care Reform"... "Cap and Trade" legislation... "Stimulus" spending in a dreary economy... the "War on Terrorism"... to name a few issues... has me thinking about a former, yet perhaps similar time.

It was some 2,000 years ago and the ruler of the Western World had sent out a decree for a "world wide census" to be taken... along with the obligatory "tax" on all non-Roman citizens... in order to pay for the burgeoning entitlement programs for the lackluster citizens of Rome. It was not everybody's favorite endeavor... quite the contrary.

Yet... in the middle of the confusion, fear, and resentment... Yahweh was preparing a marvelous event... the advent of humanity's Messiah.

Few were aware of the majesty of the day... blinded by the tyranny of the moment.

I believe it is such with our day. Yahweh is moving in splendor and glory over the face of the entire earth... on behalf of the beleaguered human race.

Can you hear the angel's song... "The Whole Earth is Filled With His Glory."

One can almost hear The Master call... "Fear Not."

xtnyoda, shalomed



Blogger jhthompson said...

Well spoken blog.......thanks so much for this!

6:45 PM  
Blogger XtnYoda said...

Thanks Jeremy!

12:24 AM  

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