Friday, December 04, 2009

This little "letter to the editor" by the Borg Conspiracy is packed with irony that cuts like a Laser Knife...

The Borg Conspiracy
A letter to the editor

To the editor:

I don't understand why the White House is so upset about the two party crashers at Barack Obama's steak dinner the other night.

Is it really appropriate and politically correct to call them party crashers just because they trespassed on Mr. Obama? Does that make them criminals? Isn't that discrimination? Shouldn't they be rewarded for such bold and brave behavior? Maybe they were just trying to feed their family?

I would suggest that it's more appropriate to call them "undocumented guests."
Just because they weren't officially invited doesn't mean they should be treated like criminals. Maybe they should get free health care, free housing, free legal services and free White House green cards so next time they can enter legally. And they should be able to bring all of their relatives and family members, too.

How can Mr. Obama be mad at them just because they crossed over some arbitrary man-made border? They were there only to do the things that regularly invited guests didn't want to do. (Like hang out with Joe Biden.)

How can the White House punish these poor oppressed undocumented visitors?
Like the Laser Knife...

cuts cleanly...
yet not without some pain...
but... would bring healing if allowed by the patient.

xtnyoda, shalomed



Blogger Brian Gwatney said...

Pastor chuck baldwin wrote about this in his article I posted earlier this week entitled "Homeland security or Homeland enslavement" He describes the event this way: How after all of the security we have emposed on the public since 911 can a couple just walk into a whithouse dinner with out being detained? Makes You Go hummmmmmm!

12:18 PM  
Blogger Brian Gwatney said...

Charlie, I posted a blog about this earlier this week from a article written by Pastor Chuch Baldwin. He asks in this super security 911 society we now live, how can a couple stroll right into the Whitehouse dinner party? With out being detained by all of this new security stuff since 911

12:23 PM  

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